Chapter 24 - The Bed Is Big Enough For All Of Us

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Last night's whole ordeal with Gretchen has left a sour taste in your mouth. Loki, the ever-knowing Master, understands that he must show you how much he wants you in order to help ease your mind. He thinks he knows just the perfect way to do it, too.


Happy Friday! This is it, the chapter so many of you have been waiting for. It breaks the filth scale, in my opinion. So, I won't make you wait any longer! Here it is, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

Growing up, all Loki ever wanted was to be a god.

When he was a child, he knew that he would become one someday. His place on the pantheon was yet to be determined, but he knew a spot would be assigned to him on Yggdrasil soon enough. He waited and waited, anxious that one day he would wake up and the answer would be clear. Frigga would prepare the temple, Odin would arrange the ceremony, and the deed would be done.

It had happened to Thor just prior to it happening to Loki. The young blonde was a storm wherever he went. He had boisterous foot steps, loud appearances, and powerful presences. It was obvious, according to Odin at least, that the boy was destined to become the God of Thunder, Lightning, and Storms. It was the power he held that would make him perfect to be King - which, looking back, Loki now understood was ironic to assign the crown to one son when the other had yet to find his place.

The ceremony for Thor was loud and exciting, and the entire time, Loki imagined what his own ceremony would be like. Thor had always taken an affinity to reds - maroon, crimson, burgundy - so it only made sense for the drapes and decorations to be dyed such a color. But for Loki, he could not see his color being so loud, so pronounced. His color, which had almost been decided completely by Frigga, would be green. She said it matched his eyes and dark hair, which Loki could agree to, since mothers know best, of course.

After Thor's ceremony, Loki was so determined to find out where he fit in life that he begged Frigga for advice. Her answer was to begin teaching Loki a sprinkling of magic to see if his destiny resided within the mystic arts. She was right, as she always was, and once Loki began learning the basics, he was keen on testing out what he learned outside of his classes. Unlike most magic users who would practice strictly what they learned, Loki was more interested in seeing what he could do with the spells. Due to his immaturity and youth, Loki often got those spells wrong, but they resulted in some mischief and chaos. When he took more to the chaos than he did to the classic teachings, it was determined that Loki was to be the God of Mischief.

From there, Loki made it his mission to become a strong, powerful, protective god. He was aware that mischief, lies, and foolery could cause him to become a segregated god, one that not many beings trusted. He would forever be known for his trickery and deceit, though that wasn't all that made Loki up. He was passionate, creative, witty, charming, and of course, intelligent. As Loki grew older, he knew when it was appropriate to be chaotic and mischievous, deceptive and full of lies. But he also knew when to calm the fire, to put honesty first, and to put some fun aside for serious manners.

All in all, he did well. Better than anyone actually expected, really. Maybe that was one of the reasons why he was so motivated. Being an all-powerful god was Loki's dream and he had achieved it.

But things were changing.

The difficult thing about being a god is that you can never truly give all of yourself to one person. There are trillions of beings who need the attention of a god, their care and security. A god needs worshippers, and without those worshippers, they lose their power. They shrivel and become weak, helpless, nothing. When Loki decided that he wanted to become the God of Sex, part of it was solely because it would increase his amount of followers, thus increasing his strength. But now, he did not want those followers, those worshippers, those priests.

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