Chapter 26 - Being Honest About The God Of Lies

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So...last night did not go well. After some encouraging words, Loki convinces you to call Gretchen and give things a second try. This should be fun.


Happy Friday everyone!! I just want to say a quick thank you to all of my wonderful readers because THIS FIC HAS HIT 50,000 HITS?!?!?? You all bring me so much joy and happiness and I am so honored that so many of you are enjoying this fic. Y'all are about to make me CRY!! Ugh I love you all

Thank you for reading and enjoy!!

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

"Do you want to talk about it now?"

It was just past midnight when Loki asked you the question in his soft, relaxing voice. You were naked, curled into his side, and seeking the warmth of his nude body. You weren't stripped because of sex. You were bare because you wanted to feel him, feel his realness. You wanted to remember that he was tangible and he wasn't going away.

After your fight with Gretchen in the park, Loki held you for what felt like another hour. He never prodded nor did he try and pull answers out of you. When you were finally ready to go, Loki picked you up in his arms and carried you home. He placed an illusion over you both so he looked like a random man walking a dog, but you were quick to fall asleep in his arms.

When you got home, Loki had asked what you needed. You told him you needed him. You took off his clothing with tears in your eyes, weakness in your bones. Once Loki was naked, you slipped your own clothing off, crawled into bed, and asked him to hold you. He did. He held you. He fed you bits of chocolate and fruit and other sweets to aid in your comfort. He helped you drink some cold water. And the entire time, he was quiet.

Until he asked that question.

You debated faking being asleep but he would know if you were lying. That was the downside of dating the God of Lies, after all. So, you took a deep breath and shook your head.

"No. Not tonight. Can I just sleep first?" you asked. You looked up at him with glazed eyes. "I'm really tired. It's been a long day."

"Don't put this off, my love," Loki whispered, cupping your cheek. "I hate seeing you so sad."

"I promise I'll tell you in the morning," you assured him. You placed your hand over his and brought it to your lips. You kissed each of his fingers and nuzzled into his hand. "I love you so much that it hurts sometimes."

"The feeling is mutual, sweet girl," Loki said softly. "I love you. Nothing will change that."

"You're the best thing to ever happen to me," you choked out. You threw your arms around him and buried your face in his chest. Loki's arm locked around you and held you tight against his body. His hand stroked along your forehead gently. You listened to the steady thrum of his heartbeat. It acted as a lullaby for you, soothing you and holding you down to reality. Loki was here and he was yours. He loved you. It was that knowledge that aided you in falling asleep.

And sleep, you did.

You fell into a pit of sleep so deep that it felt like no time at all had passed. You had no dreams, no restlessness, no fits of hanging on the brink of consciousness as you tossed and turned. When you woke up, your room was pitch black, though that was thanks to the tightly drawn enchanted curtains, you noted. You went to stretch and found that the arms that typically restrained you were not around you. Rolling over, you found your bed devoid of Loki.

Before you could feel your heart hurt, you noticed a note folded on his pillow. You picked it up and immediately recognized the elegant script coating the thick paper - When you wake, meet me in the kitchen. I will be waiting for you.

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