Chapter 16 - A Wake Up Call Between Your Legs

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For the first time since Loki met you, he decides to stay the night in your bed. Holding you has roused some interesting thoughts on Loki's end, so it's time to take a look into his mind and what goes on throughout the night. And in the morning, it only feels appropriate for Loki to devour you thoroughly.

TW: creepy men (seems appropriate to tag this just in case)


Happy Friday everyone! This chapter was actually really hard to write. I had like, so much writer's block with this one. So hopefully it turned out okay! Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

Loki slept peacefully.

It was a marvelous thing, he realized, how blissful a long, peaceful sleep actually felt. He had not slept that way in years - decades, centuries, he lost count. He really had not slept normally since that terrible night when he was fourteen, but with you, that changed. The warmth of your body lulled him into a deep, restful sleep.

Loki did not even intend to fall asleep. Honestly, he was planning on just holding you throughout the night. When you fell asleep on his chest and your snores filled the room, Loki had chuckled and kissed the top of your head. Those snores, as stupid and as horrid as they were, were yours. They were a sign of your life and rest and simple existence. Your snores bounced off the walls and rang in his ears, and he loved it. He loved hearing you and feeling your breath reflect off his naked skin. It made him hold you a bit tighter, impossibly closer to his body.

And those very snores helped drag him to the depths of unconsciousness. It was a mix of your snores, your body heat, and your arms around him that came to form a cocktail designed to send him to sleep. Loki tried to fight it - because sleep brought nightmares, nightmares brought disturbance, and disturbance brought him away from this beautiful, perfect moment - but you brought him far too much comfort.

On nights where Loki actually managed to sleep - whether that was with the use of alcohol or not - he usually found himself waking up nearly every hour. And each hour when he woke, it was from a dark, dreadful nightmare. They varied, and there was never really a pattern to how they occurred, but at least once a night, he imagined his assassin kneeling over his body with a knife in their hand. Sometimes Loki managed to disarm the assassin, sometimes Loki was killed, sometimes the assassin wasn't even the man who had tried to kill Loki when he was younger. Many times, it was Odin.

Remembering that night thanks to his subconscious was one of the reasons Loki didn't like to sleep. But still, there were other night frights that chilled his bones and brought tears to his eyes. His nightmares, though they were annoying, had admittedly good range. Loki dreamt about everything from his demise, to Thor abandoning him, his temple being destroyed, Frigga getting hurt, David Bowie not writing a song about him - the vanity in Loki hated that one - to poison, flames, plague, death.

But over these past two weeks, Loki was now having a new nightmare - one where he lost you.

Loki had not fallen asleep that many times since meeting you. He passed out on Asgard that one time, and then there were a few times in your living room, but other than that, Loki stayed strictly awake. Those handful of times he did fall asleep, you occupied his dreams. Sometimes, the dreams were pleasant - you riding his cock or you wrapped in his arms or you riding his cock while wrapped in his arms - but most of the time, the nightmares resulted in loss. Somehow, someway, he lost you.

It happened in a multitude of ways. Odin captured you. You went missing. You got hurt. The flares made you sick. You slipped through Loki's fingers. You were shot, stabbed, stunned. One time, you were perfectly fine, but you walked away from Loki of your own volition. It all hurt him and made him sick to his stomach whenever he had those dreams.

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