Chapter 15 - Touching Yourself Should Be Considered An Art

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After teasing you with your second gift last night, Loki makes you wait almost a full day before giving it to you finally. And once you receive it, you decide to get...creative.


Happy Friday!!! Are you ready to get filthy?? Hehehehehe

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!!

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

"You're not staying?"

The question startled Loki. It wasn't because you had asked it, but it was the way you had asked it. He had just tucked you into bed after magicking some clothing onto himself. You two had been talking for what felt like hours when Loki realized he still had work to do. After getting up and kissing you, Loki promised he'd see you in the morning. Then, you posed your question, thus earning a very halted expression from Loki.

Your eyes were wide and your lower lip was nearly trembling. Your hand was grasping his, keeping him tethered to you by your small fingers. Loki's heart ached. He wanted to stay with you more than he could explain. Holding you in his arms tonight had made his heart warm and soft. Feeling you in his embrace brought a certain peace over Loki that words could not properly explain. You were a balm for him and he couldn't resist the comfort you brought him.

But in order to keep that comfort and warmth, Loki had to answer prayers. He had to focus. He couldn't do so with you in his arms. His mind would be distracted by your soft skin and supple body, and then he would inevitably get carried away and end up with his cock inside of you. It was a loop Loki knew he would fall into.

So, Loki just sighed and threaded his fingers through yours. He kissed your hand as he looked into your eyes.

"I cannot. I have prayers to answer," Loki reassured you, though he could still sense your fear of waking up alone. As he watched your face fall, Loki was hit with the realization of how confusing, stressful, and perhaps painful it was for you to wake up alone. Then, on top of that, the loss of his protection and care from him not hearing you call for him must have terrified you. Grimacing, Loki knelt back down on the bed and captured your cheek in the palm of his hand. "I will just be in the next room, pet. I'm not going anywhere."

"Promise?" you asked, squeezing Loki's hand tighter. Loki crawled over you, settling his body above yours. You reached up with your free hand and threaded it through his smooth locks. Loki purred and bent his head down, briefly kissing you.

"I promise," Loki whispered against your lips. He pulled back to look into your eyes and smiled apologetically. "I am quite sorry for scaring you today. I really did not think I would be gone long, nor did I think I would be unable to hear you call for me. Sweetling, I wanted nothing more than to shower you with some gifts and adoration. I fumbled it, admittedly."

"That's okay," you said. You shifted upwards and hooked your arm around Loki's neck. "You're here now. That's what matters."

"I'm not going anywhere ever again without you by my side," Loki sighed, shaking his head. "I promise I will not leave without informing you as to where I'm going or how long I'll be gone for."

"It's okay, Loki. You're not under lock and key here. You can leave whenever you want," you said.

Loki's expression was determined as he looked into your eyes. "And what if I don't want to leave? Ever?"

Your heart skipped a beat and you licked your lips. "Then that's okay too."

"Good," Loki said. "Because there is nowhere else I'd rather be than right here by your side."

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