Chapter 33 - The One With All The Answers...Finally

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Frigga has appeared in your room and has told you that she has a solution that will help you and Loki stay together. It seems like it will be dangerous, but the promise of answers on the horizon might just be worth the risk


Happy Friday everyone!!! Wow, what a ride this fic has been recently! Are you ready to see what's to come? I have been so excited for this chapter for so long and now your questions will be answered!! Here we go!! Also, thank you so so so much for 70,000 hits on this fic!! You all amaze me so much and I am so grateful for each and every one of you lovely readers!! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!!

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

Loki stared at his mother, shocked that she had appeared in your bedroom. It had been quite a while since he had seen her, given the fact that she was on Vanaheim with Odin. Based on the gentle shimmering around the outside of her figure, Loki knew she wasn't actually here in the room. Frigga had the ability to project herself across the realms without the help of Heimdall, so it was possible she could be literally anywhere at this very moment.

Frigga eyed Loki and smirked when she saw his dagger still raised towards her. Her hands remained neatly folded across her stomach as she lifted a perfect, blonde brow.

"I don't think you need that, son," Frigga chuckled. Loki looked down at his knife and blushed. He waved it out of existence and looked back up at the image of his mother.

"My apologies. It's been a long day," he grumbled.

"So I've heard," Frigga hummed. She looked over Loki's shoulder and smiled when she saw you curled against his back, your body still nude. Your hands were braced on Loki's obliques as you carefully watched Frigga. Loki's mother waved. "Hello, sweetheart. Loki, who is this?"

"Oh, mother, this is my beloved." Loki said your name before turning back to look at you. He waved his hand and your sweater and leggings from before covered your body. He took your hand in his and smiled softly at you. "It's okay, my love. This is Frigga, my mother, Queen of Asgard. She won't hurt us, I promise."

Loki could see the fear leave your body as your posture relaxed. You slid out from behind Loki but kept your body pressed closely to his. You nodded at Frigga and Loki admired the flush covering your face.

"It's nice to meet you, Queen Frigga," you said, bowing your head. Loki marveled at the natural grace you had even while sitting on the bed when presented to his mother. It reminded him vaguely of when he brought you to Alfheim and you presented yourself as the perfect, poised princess he always imagined you would be if you held that title.

"Oh, dear, just call me Frigga," Frigga said with a wave. "I've heard a lot about you. My other son has informed me that Loki is quite smitten with you. And from what I can see, he wasn't exaggerating."

"It's true," Loki murmured, lifting your hand up to press a soft kiss to it. "I'm in love with her, mother. She is the only one for me. I refuse to live a life without her in it."

"I can see the love in your eyes, Loki. I can see the love in hers too. What you two have is good, it is pure. It's what love should be," Frigga noted. But then, she sighed and her beautiful face contorted into a sad grimace. "But it is causing a lot of trouble, isn't it?"

"It is," Loki sighed, running a hand through his hair. "A few months ago, I discovered -"

"The flares. I know. Odin knows," Frigga said. "He knows more than you think. He heard about what else has happened on Midgard, Loki - the flares returning, Michael and Gretchen, he knows it all."

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