Chapter 23 - The Best Housewarming Present Is Some Good Cock

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You had your perfect Cinderella moment last night at the ball on Alfheim. Waking up this morning, things only seem to get better - Michael is gone, Loki has given you a spectacular gift, and an old friend stumbles back into your life.


Happy Friday everyone!!! Did you enjoy your little fluff bomb last week? Yeah? Good, time to get back into the drama - mwahahaha. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!!

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

"So this is love," you hummed to yourself as you danced in front of your mirror, your feet carrying you across the floor the same way they did last night. "So this is what makes life divine."

Ever since the night prior at the ball, you had a feeling of elation crawling over your skin. Your movements felt light and your body felt like it was gifted with magic. You had woken up to Loki's lips on your skin. He told you to stay in bed and relax. He had to run a quick errand and he would be back later. He kissed you soundly before sweeping out of the room. You let yourself relax for another hour before climbing out of bed. Then, you got up, showered quickly, tossed on a robe, and simply began to sway.

You giggled to yourself as you spun in a circle around your bedroom, your robe acting like a shorter version of your glorious dress as it breezed over your thighs. You pretended you were in Loki's arms, his princely manner guiding you across the mossy floor of the palace. It was a bit comical that you were singing the song from Cinderella, knowing precisely that last night was indeed your Cinderella moment. The grand dress, the dancing, the pure love you felt from the beautiful Prince Loki - it was a Disney tale set out for you. It was a night you would never forget. But unlike Princess Cinderella, your night didn't end at midnight. You were able to keep the Prince long after the ball was over.

Honestly, you were pleasantly surprised with how well you ended up taking the news of Loki's prior engagement. You were sure you would have been met with feelings of regret, anger, and fury when you heard of Loki's past. Perhaps a few weeks ago, that is exactly what you would have felt. But now, you felt that twinge of familiar jealousy and then, it was gone. It was gone because you knew Loki loved you. He had shown it, said it, meant it a million times. You were confident in your ability to love and be loved and you knew that never would have happened without Loki.

Loki had given you so much in these few short weeks. He had presented you with sex, sex, and more sex, but he also gave you love, excitement, devotion. And perhaps his most unique gift was the ability to love yourself. He showed you how valuable you were and how much worth you held within yourself. Weeks ago, you were anxious and low because it felt like no one wanted you, as emphasized by your still-there virginity. However, Loki had wiped those feelings away with a swipe of his hand. His care and affection proved to you that you were wanted in the most sacred way, and therefore you should want yourself.

As you looked at yourself dancing in the mirror, you did want yourself. You wanted this happiness, this confidence, this reassurance to never leave. For the first time in your life, you felt completely and utterly good.

You were pulled momentarily from your dreamy dancing when a pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist. You paused but easily sank into the embrace of your lover. Those arms, so firm and loving, you would know them anywhere. You continued to sway gently as Loki held you from behind. He chuckled against your ear as he pressed a light kiss to your cheek.

"Someone seems a bit entranced," Loki mused. "What has my darling in such a reverie?"

"Oh, I was just thinking about a beautiful prince I danced with last night," you giggled. You spun the two of you around in a circle, his chest still pressed to your back. "He was rather handsome."

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