Chapter 35 - Finding Forever With You

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Ceremony day has arrived. It is finally time for you to become who you are meant to be. With Loki at your side, you have never been more ready for anything.


Happy Friday everyone!! Oh my gosh, so this is it: THE LAST CHAPTER. I'm literally going to cry. We have our epilogue next week and then that's it, "Get On Your Knees And Pray To Me" will be officially over. It's been quite a wild ride, hasn't it? So, without making you wait any longer, here it is! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!!

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

Training began exactly one week after you agreed to become the Goddess of Trust.

Really, it should have started about five minutes after your agreement, but Loki believed that was too much stress for you after everything you had gone through recently. Instead, after you agreed to it in private with Loki, you both decided to keep it a secret for a few days. Loki wanted you to adjust to life on Asgard, even if that was for just a bit, before thrusting you into a world of responsibility. You didn't mind it at all. You enjoyed the sweet alone time with Loki and Cooper boarded up in his rooms.

Well, they were your rooms now too. It was beautiful.

Your art supplies and other goods from home arrived a day or two after you did on Asgard. When you weren't getting fucked raw and hard by Loki over any flat surface of your room, you were making more art. You were hesitant at first, given how you couldn't create anything for weeks, but now that you were back with Loki, your creativity was bountiful. Loki posed for you as he used to and you even were able to create some pieces of him and Cooper. One day, you would try to create a piece of all three of you together.

When you and Loki finally announced to Thor and Frigga that you were going to become the Goddess of Trust, Thor began cheering quite loudly. He pulled you into a giant hug, twirling you in a wide circle as he laughed and celebrated the newest goddess joining their pantheon.

"Oh, sweet girl, we will have such fun together!" Thor had laughed. "I cannot wait to torment Loki with you!"

Loki rolled his eyes but Frigga just smirked knowingly.

And so, your training began. Your days were spent studying in the library, wandering Asgard's grounds, and discovering how to handle being a goddess. Frigga was your mentor through it all, keeping you calm and composed during your studies. It was a lot to learn and take in, but you were doing your best to get through it.

Using her magic, Frigga showed you what it would be like to hear prayers and feel that magic flowing through you. It was exhilarating. You wouldn't truly know what it was like to answer a real prayer until you were actually a goddess, but at least you were becoming accustomed to what to listen for and how to react to it.

Thor, though busy with fixing the realms and being King, was your mentor in how to be part of Asgardian royalty, since you were with Loki after all. He helped you learn about Asgardian culture as well as the culture from the other realms. You learned that he was incredibly well traveled and knew surprisingly more than he let on. Thor was amazingly intelligent and learning from him was an honor. By learning about the rest of the realms, you were able to gather a better understanding of the cultures and identities you would be working with. This was able to prepare you for who you were going to hear and how to accordingly respond to them.

Thor also helped you adjust to everyday Asgardian culture and way of life. He was shocked at how easily you slotted into society, though, then again, you were destined to be here. The people knew who you were - Loki's beloved - but they didn't know who you were, who you were here to be. Thor, Frigga, and Loki all decided to keep that under wraps, considering none of you knew when you would feel ready to take on the position. With the Asgardian people knowing of a goddess rising in you, it could add extra pressure onto you to learn faster. That was not wanted by anyone, so your destined identity was kept quiet. The only person outside of the royal household who knew of your destiny was Heimdall and he guarded that secret with the same power and energy that he used to guard Asgard's gates.

Get On Your Knees and Pray to me By Shining Loki On AO3Where stories live. Discover now