Twenty Five

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Nearly two weeks had now passed since Caleb died. As the days go by, I can see y/n changing steadily. She seems to be itching for action or distraction, and it's clear that she's waiting for the replacement to arrive. She wants something to do, and it's easy to see how boredom and downtime don't suit her well. Just like me, she needs to be on the move and on the job, and when she doesn't have that, it seems to weigh heavily on her.. There was something almost otherworldly about y/n in those days. She was physically present, but her mind seemed to be elsewhere. She would drift through her days, like she was just going through the motions without really being there at all. When she was spoken to, she would give half-hearted replies that didn't show any real interest or engagement. There was like an empty stare in her eyes, as if she was always far away, and nothing could bring her back to the present. Even when she was close to others, she always seemed to be somewhere else. Most nights, I had listened to her tossing and turning, sure that she wasn't sleeping when she said she was, and it wasn't hard to understand why. She was dealing with so much grief and trauma, and that made it almost impossible for her to find peace. I found myself drawn to her in those moments, like a moth to a flame. I wanted to comfort her and make her feel better, and she was like wildfire, burning hot and hard and bright. It wasn't easy to resist her, and I struggled to keep my distance.

A muffled thump echoed through our shared wall. I gave a gentle knock. There was a long stretch of silence, almost long enough to make me think maybe she was sleeping. Finally, she responded with a whimper.


I didn't even think. It was like my body moved on its own, rushing to get to her side. I threw on my mask and pulled on my sweatpants without even thinking about putting on a shirt. I ran to her room, and I could feel my heart racing as I reached her door. I opened it and saw her sitting on the floor, hugging her knees tightly into her chest, her back leaning against the side of her bed. A feeling of shock and concern hit me all at once, and I slowly moved over to her.

"Y/n..." I murmur as I knelt beside her and placed a gentle hand on the small of her back.

She huffed and closed her eyes to avoid my scrutiny. "I'm fine I just—" She stifles.

"There you go again..." I say, her glossed doe like eyes peak up at me through wet lashes. "C'mon y/n. I know you too well to believe you when you say your 'fine'.

A nervous chuckle leaves her lips. "Yeah, I uh, couldn't sleep."

"Yeah, I figured." I chuckle. Cocking my head to the side I ask. "So, y'wanna to tell me why you're sitting on the floor?"

She lowers her head, shaking it incessantly.

I could see something was bothering her, and I knew exactly what was on her mind. I sat behind her on the bed, bringing my leg over so that she was sitting between me legs. She didn't even flinch, instead, I felt her loosen into my hold as I wrapped my arms around her.

"Every night I wake up around the same time, facing his bed." She whimpers. "...not seeing him there fast asleep..." She begins to choke up.

"And you figured sitting on the floor would help?"

She pressed her fingers against her eyes as if trying to will me away telepathically. "Forget it, just leave me alone Simon. Go back to bed." She whispers, pushing herself off me with the hopes of creating a distance between us. I wasn't having that.


"Jesus Christ y/n shut it or else you'll be wake the entire base up." I whisper yell as I hoist her up in my arms bridal style.

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