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Stubborn. If this word had its own embodiment, it would sure look a lot like her. I knew bringing them on this mission was a bad idea. I shouldn't have let her persuade me otherwise. Lucky - so she calls herself, I guess luck was on her side when the explosion went off with the debris coming into close proximity to her. She was indeed lucky, only because I was there to save her stubborn arse. And my favourite of them all, feisty, for someone who has zero knowledge in combat amongst the field, she sure was determined and courageous to get out there, even with no weapons, little armour and of course in her case, limited cerebral capacity.

The entire ride back to our base she sat between Caleb and I with a snarky little grin on her face as she tapped away at her phone, huffing curses as the reception was not on her side. I took quick glances down, it seemed she was trying to respond to an email though the little loading wheel spun constantly with no confirmation it had sent. Not to mention the severely cracked screen - presumably from when I tackled her to the ground.

"Ugh, I give up." She huffed, placing the phone into her back pocket.

"Just wait till we get back to base, you can send it from one of their computers." Caleb assured. His voice soft almost like a young boy. I assumed he held that tone as he didn't want to piss her off any further than she already was. Smart kid.

At that, her eyes flicked up to mine. Her lips parting slightly as her eyes held an innocent look to it. As if she were trying to get on my good side with whatever she was about to ask. "Ghost? Can I borrow your compu-"

"No." I spoke over her before she could finish her request.

Her eyes flashed with contempt. I shouldn't have expected anything different coming from her. No doubt I would let her use my office though I did enjoy pissing her off.  I leant down closer to her ear. So close I could smell the fragrance from her hair that was tucked under her cap. "You think you deserve it?" I said. Her doey-eyes flicked back up to mine. "Especially after that little stunt you pulled back there?" I added.

"If you think I'm going to get on my hands and knees and beg for your forgiveness you're as dumb as I thought you would be." She whisperd keeping her eyes ahead, though a slight playfulness within her tone.

I relished in the view I had her in. Slightly seeing down her top as she stared ahead. "I admire your effort in trying to piss me off but if that were true, then why do you waste time talking to 'dumb' people. Do you feel that's a wise thing?"

Her eyes flicked back up to mine. The corners of her lips started to twitch, like she was holding back a smile. "Oh I'm sorry... Did I hurt your little feelings by calling you dumb? Thought you already knew that."

I turned towards the window, I didn't want her to see the creases forming around my eyes. She reverted her gaze ahead as Gaz drove the convoy behind Price's vehicle which held reinforcements. Soap was in the front seat of ours asleep when he was supposed to be keeping watch. Me? I was too busy bickering with the bane of my existence. After about an hour of driving back to base, I noticed her head bobbing up and down from the sleep she was falling in and out of. I gently pushed her head towards Caleb's shoulder, though his reflexes shouldered her head over to my own. Soft snores escaped her as she lay on my bicep. As long as she's quiet and not stammering away with that smart fucking mouth, I didn't mind. Not one bit.

She's Bad News- Simon Riley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now