Thirty Two

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Warm sunlight streams into the room, bathing the space in a cozy glow. I linger on the couch, feeling restless and uneasy despite the calmness of the morning. Simon's distance these past few weeks has kept me anxious, while I struggle to understand his motivations. It almost seems like he regrets what he said before he left, or at the very least, he didn't believe what he was saying.

I try to tell myself that I'm overthinking things, that it's not as bad as I'm making it out to be. But every sign points to something bigger than I could have imagined.

Those scratches on his back...Was he with someone else? I feel my heart sink as I think about the possibility. I don't want to believe it, but the evidence is all there.

A volcano of emotion erupts within me, as I feel a mixture of anger, doubt, and fear brewing. The thought of Simon being with someone else eats away at me. We're not 'technically together', but what does it even matter?

I want to confront him, but what would I even say? Then again, he doesn't want to be anywhere near me. I see it everyday as I watch him try to avoid me, always in a hurry, heading in the opposite direction when I'm near and leaves the room when I walk in. The question whirls through my mind as the emotions threaten to consume me.


I stare at the targets in front of me, trying to focus my mind. Shooting was always therapeutic for me, helping me forget about whatever else was going on in life. I take in a deep breath as I aim down the sights and shoot a few rounds.

The sound of the gunfire echoes in my ears, mixed with my own thoughts and concerns. Gaz is right next to me, watching intently as I hit the targets. He gives me a small smile as he nods in approval.

"That was nice. You really are impressive."

I take in a deep breath and let out a faint laugh, trying to brush off the heaviness in my heart. "Yeah, I guess."

"I really do think you're a natural but try this..."

He steps behind me, his arms encasing around me, his chin resting gently on my shoulder as he helps to adjust my position. "Like this, see. Try to use a wider stance." He nudges my foot. "It'll help with your balance."

The feeling of Gaz's arms around me fades as he steps back. I take a moment to collect myself before turning towards the other target.

"You see that wrecked car over there? Aim for the headlight."

The sight of the wrecked car makes me hesitate for just a moment. It's a little farther than the initial targets, and I feel my nerves begin to tingle. Gaz's words echo in my mind as I aim down my sights and I take a deep breath, pulling the trigger.

A feeling of contentment washes over me as the bullet hits the target, right in the center of the headlight. I let out a small breath, feeling proud of myself for getting such a difficult shot. The adjustment to my stance made all the difference, and I can't deny that Gaz's help was a big reason for my success.

"Nice..." He drags out. "You'd make pretty good soldier on our taskforce." He says, taking his cap off and placing it on my head.

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