Chapter 3

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Daniel was sitting in the chair near the counter, bored out of his mind. Barely anyone came to the store after school, not that he was complaining. He just opened the next book to study for Physics class. He heard a ding and his head shot up to see who came but it was just a man, he couldn't even see the man. He was covered in black from his head to his feet.

The man walked around the store slowly and Daniel looked down realizing he must look weird for staring too much. He just read a few lines in the book and waited for the man.

Is it just me or is he taking way too long to get something. Daniel then glanced around in search of the man, he saw him by the snack section.

Ehh....probably trying to choose which snack to get.

Daniel then looked at a practice question and read the answers. He tried to figure out the right answer but he was doubting himself. He then heard something drop on the counter and saw the man was ready to pay.

He got up from the chair and moved to the counter. Daniel stared low, he didn't know why but he could just never look anyone in the eye because of his nerves and it annoyed him sometimes.

"That will be 500 won."

The man paid with his card and left the store. Daniel noticed that the man only bought a small chocolate.

Who takes that long to buy a small chocolate.

Daniel just shook his head and went back to studying. He then heard a ding and saw the manager, he packed his things since this was the end of his shift.

"Have things been good in the store?"

"Yes it was, although there weren't many customers today."

Daniel reluctantly told him, he knew he could just lie but the amount of cash in the box would say otherwise.

The manager just sighed and grabbed the apron Daniel gave him.

"Bye Mr. Lee," he waved at the man as he left the store. It was late and he just wanted to go home and sleep. He decided to take the bus and walked up to a bus stop and sat down as he sighed.

He opened his phone up to watch the news and he saw news about there being rumors about a minister missing. This made Daniel's stomach churn.

Could this be related to what I saw.

Although Daniel still hasn't gone to the police station to report what he saw since he just decided it wasn't his problem. He's been a little paranoid since 'that happened'. He just shook his head and saw another article of DG.

Seriously everyone is obsessed with this guy. I don't understand the hype, I mean he is....very attractive.

Out of curiosity he clicked on the article. He scrolled and realized they were talking about DG's soulmate. He scrolled and frowned, the article was talking about how the star DG doesn't have a soulmate since they haven't turned up to claim they are his soulmate.

Stupid people....

There have been stories where people never had a soulmate. It was sad, these people were destined for loneliness in their life from what he heard.

Daniel just turned his phone off and looked beside him. He noticed a blonde man and realized that this kid was in two of his classes.

The man seemed to notice his staring which made Daniel embarrassed. Daniel waved and he waved back hesitantly. The bus then came, which was their cue to go. He then realized he didn't have any cash which means he left his wallet at home.

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