Chapter 9: The Collective Unconscious

Start from the beginning

However, despite the cool spring air, Makoto was sweating buckets. Even though he knew Kyoko was one to watch out for, he wasn't expecting he would be exposed so soon. He had tried to satiate her potential aggressiveness by buying her a drink from the vending machine, but he should have known that you couldn't bribe the Ultimate Detective.

"I'm surprised you didn't make any attempt to deny it when I approached you," she said, "you broke down quickly."

"Well, what do you expect!? You were the one who always told me I'm an open book," Makoto groaned, "and what's the use? No doubt you've figured everything out anyway, haven't you?"

"Not necessarily true..." she told him, "your methodology for instance, still evades me. How you were actually able to "change Towa's heart" for instance..."

She turned her head towards him.

" to share? Was it blackmail? Drugs? Violence?"

"N-No, of course not!" Makoto exclaimed, "wouldn't there be traces of that if it were the case!? We didn't lay a finger on him!"

"Ah, so there really is more than one of you..." Kyoko smirked, "I assume that Fukawa-san is in on this too?"

Makoto kept his lips sealed. Kyoko may have already figured it out, but he wasn't going to sell out Toko any more than he already had. Plus, there was no way in hell Kyoko would ever believe him, even if he told her everything about the Metaverse.

"So what?" he finally spoke, his face agitated and nervous, "are you gonna arrest me or something? If so, just get it over with, but I'm not breathing a word about my accomplices."

"That's surprisingly formidable of you...but gallant in its own way," she smirked, "you must really care about keeping your secrets."

She placed her drink down and crossed her arms, looking forward again.

"I'm not going to file for an arrest," she said "or more accurately, I can't. Not on my current conscience."

"What!?" Makoto gasped, his head snapping her way.

Kyoko didn't look into his eyes, but she closed hers and smiled. Not a warm smile, but definitely not a cold one either. Perhaps she was just satisfied having taken him off guard.

That was just like her.

But Makoto couldn't help but be suspicious of her intentions.

"What's with you?" he skeeved, "this isn't like you. You never turn a blind eye to injustice."

"So you think what you did counts as an "injustice?" I don't see it that way..." she replied.

" think we did a GOOD thing?"

"I didn't say that either..."

"Well, what is it then!?"

"Calm down."


The stress and confusion created by Kyoko's attitude were starting to get to Makoto's head, and he spoke to her brashly, immediately regretting it. Kyoko retained her cool composure and explained herself.

"I mean that without knowing your methods, the only thing I can currently charge you on is the crime of threat. And there's absolutely no concrete evidence linking you or anyone else to being the perpetrators behind the calling card. Towa never mentioned your name during his confession, after all..."

She shifted in her seat.

"And then there's the Steering Committee...Who are just using me to try and get rid of you so they don't have to get their hands dirty. Honestly, I can't help but think they're doing this out of spite since Towa's confession ruined their latest commercial plan."

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