Into The Maze:

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I highly suggest listening to "Run boy run" while reading this chapter lol.

Just twoish more chapters until I start writing the scorch trials fic! I may need a week or so in between books to start drafting. 

Actually I'm gonna get started on it ASAP.



The following day our plan went into effect. We were getting out of here. After three years of being stuck in this bloody jail we were going to be free. I instructed everyone to pack a backpack with only what we needed. If we were going to enjoy our freedom we would need to survive.

Zoe sat down on the bed having finished packing her bag, "This is crazy."

I laughed, "In case you haven't noticed love, that's kind of how we work."

She laughed, "Yeah I guess so."

I sat down beside her, "I'm going to miss this place. Just a little."

"Me too. So many memories."

"Yeah but at least this time we have our memories. Eventually this place will become a shadow in the back of our minds while we live out whatever waits for us out there."

"We don't even know what's out there. For all we know our maze and these creators could be the last people and place on earth. What if we get out there and there's nothing?" She choked.

I didn't tell her that thought had crossed my mind, "Whatever is out there, we'll face it together. I'll take care of you, I promise. You have me and Daniel and Frypan and Winston and Chuck and Molly and Minho."

She leaned her head on my shoulder, "You always have."

"And I always will," I kissed her. I stood up, strapped on my bag and knife, then helped her up, "Come on. We've got freedom calling us."

              Gally had given us the choice of staying in the glade or being banished to the maze with Thomas. We chose Thomas. Our plan went perfectly.

Thomas was hauled out by two gladers. His body hung limply as they dragged him towards the gates.

"What's going on here?" Zoe asked. Gally had erected two posts in front of the maze gates. Teresa was being restrained by another boy.

Everyone in our friend group including clint and Jeff stood among Gally's followers. I was hoping to the very heavens above this worked.

"Gally," Winston looked around. "This doesn't feel right man."

"What if Thomas is right?" Jeff suggested. "Maybe he can lead us home."

"We are home," Gally replied while walking towards them. "Okay? I don't wanna have to cross anymore names off that wall." He pointed to the wall with his hand.

Teresa asked, "You really think banishing us is going to solve anything?"

"No. But this isn't a banishing it's an offering."

"What?" Teresa was pushed against the pole with her arms tied above her head. "Gally what are you doing?"

"You really think I'm going to let Thomas back into the maze after what he's done?" He turned around, "Look around you! Look at our glade!"

We all looked at the pile of still smoldering wood.

"This is the only way!"

Minho looked at me and nodded slightly. I looked over at Daniel and nodded.

The Glader: Newt x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora