The Undeniable Truth:

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Chapter unofficially sponsored by Mr Noodles for breakfast #yesiknowimweird


Psalm 46:10- Be still and know that I am God. 



I sipped my cup of Gally's mixture and choked down the burn.

"You need to talk to her," Winston nudged me.

"I can't," I said. "Alby already made a rule."

"He made a rule with the exception of her consent."

"I don't think she likes me."

Winston poured more into my jar, "Come on Newt. The worst she can say is no."

"I don't think I could live with that," I replied. "And come on. Why would she fall in love with me? She could have any guy here." I motioned to the group of boys gathered around the campfire. Zoe sat between Daniel and Ben, clearly enjoying herself. Daniel poured more liquid into her jar, accidentally spilling a little in her lap due to his shaking hand.

I took a large swallow and squinted.

"That makes me sick," Winston said while watching Zoe and her pals.

"Thanks Winston."

My friend nodded his head to me and kept drinking. Slicers were the drinkers of the group. They could down Gally's mix like water. Zoe turned towards Ben and ran her fingers through his hair. My veins heated. She laughed as he tickled her waist. I noticed Daniel seemed just as uncomfortable as me. Ben leaned over and rested his forehead on Zoe's shoulder. She tilted her head back and laughed. He sat up.

              I couldn't take it anymore. I thrust my jar into Winston's hand and walked off into the trees.

She is mine! I thought as I kicked a stone in the faint path.

"Why would she want you?" A voice in my mind asked. "What could you possibly offer her?"

I sat down under a tree in the darkness and wept. Hot tears rolled down my cheeks as I slammed my first in the dirt.

You dumb shuck! Quit your sobbing. You're a man!

"She's not going to love a wimp," I whispered and dried my tears with my hand.


I looked around at the sound of a girls voice. Her voice.

"Newt," she said.

"Hello?" I stood up and looked around. Somewhere in my mind she appeared. Zoe. She walked towards me. Her hair was up in a messy knot on top of her head. She wore a pale green top, black pants, and a white coat hanging off her shoulders. I looked around the place. A couch sat against one wall, a screen on the walls across from it. On the table in between a pile of clothes was stacked neatly. The me in my vision wrapped my arms around her waist. I kissed her cheek.

"Good day?" The me asked.

"All better now," She smiled as she kissed me. "Have you thought about my question? About moving in with me? You're miserable down here."

"Is that allowed? A subject living with a secretary?"

"I can pull some strings," she put her hands on my shoulders.

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