Welcome To The Glade:

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Frypan put a heaping scoop of stew in my bowl, "Enjoy. It's a glade regular."

"Thank you," I replied.

I walked over to where all the tables were and looked around for a spot to sit by myself.

"Hey greenie!" Newt beckoned me over.

I walked over and sat down across from him on one of the log stools.

"Greenie this is Zart and Winston," He motioned to the two guys with us.

"Nice to meet you," Winston said politely.

"Hey," Zart smiled.

"Hello," I said quietly as I stirred my stew.

Newt gave me a soft look, "She's a bit shy. But if I was stuck in this place with 27 morons I would be too."

I had to laugh a little. I choked down the first few bites of my food. It wasn't horrible but I was sure at one time I had tasted something better. Nothing a little, or a lot of salt couldn't fix.

Winston was describing the gory details of a rabbit he had butchered today when a thought came into my mind.

"Zoe," I mumbled to myself.

Newt raised an eyebrow.

"Zoe," I said excitedly. "That's my name."

"It is nice to meet you Zoe," Newt reached across the table and shook my hand.

"Hey everyone! Meet Zoe!" Zart yelled.

The boys around me clapped and hollered loudly.

I blushed and turned back to my food.

"Don't worry she-bean. You'll get used to us," Winston laughed.

"Her name is Zoe," Newt said.

I smiled at him, glad to be rid of that nickname.

Alby stood, "Alright boys. After supper you all know what to do! Let's give Zoe a good old glade welcome shall we?"

More excited hollering.

"What?" I asked Newt.

"You'll see, "He shrugged.

        After supper some of the boys filled buckets with water from the big rain barrels so we could all wash our dishes in the tubs by the door. I rinsed mine and shook the water off quickly. Some of the guys were grabbing armfuls of wood and sticks.

"Come on Zoe," Daniel nudged my shoulder. "The fun is about to begin."

I looked over to see Newt watching Daniel and I where we stood. He was frowning. I smiled and waved at him. He waved back, leaning against the tree. Daniel led me to a large cleared area. The boys were all hurrying to assemble a large wooden structure. Gally was ordering them around. 

The Glader: Newt x OCWhere stories live. Discover now