A Step Forward:

174 4 36

Double chapter day because why not? And I've got A LOT to write lol.



The next three weeks passed at a relatively slow pace. I'm pretty sure I passed another birthday. 17. 17 and I was stuck in a maze.

Could be worse though. At least I had family and close friends to make living more bearable.

Molly and I were nearly inseparable. We did everything together. She was like the sister I had always wanted. Molly completed her training with Minho and had taken her place as the sixth runner. Ben had also joined seeing as he was swift on his feet and strong. Molly and Minho had become completely entranced with each other though both denied it. They way they hawked each other was adorable.

Newt had moved into my hut with me. I figured since we spent so much time together anyway it made sense. I don't think he was complaining about sleeping away from the noisy gladers. We'd made a few changes to my place and made it feel more like our place. I loved our little home away from the chaos.

              Newt blew out the jar lamp and rushed to climb in bed with me.

"I know something you don't know," I said in a sing-song voice.

Newt pulled the blankets over us, "And what is that?"

"Well, Molly was helping me mix up some ointment today. She got a little on her hands and accidentally smudged it on her face. I ran into Minho at the washrooms and he had a smudge on his cheek," I smirked.

"Are you suggesting Minho was kissing Molly?"

"Yes!" I squealed quietly.

Newt laughed,"I knew it. She's going to be good for him. If anyone deserves happiness it's him." He picked up my left hand and looked it over.

My stomach fluttered.

Newt kissed my hand, "I love you so much Zozo."

"I love you too," I kissed his cheek.

"I wish we didn't live in this bloody maze."

"Well at least we're in this bloody maze together," I replied.

"That's true."

I stared up at the ceiling, "Newt? Do you ever think we're going to get out of here?"

"I-I, Don't know. I am trying to stay hopeful but it's been almost two years and we've found nothing," Newt replied. "If we do get out of the place what would we do? We don't know how much of the world is even still standing. For all we know we could be the last people on this planet besides the creators. We'll stick together tho," He looked at my hand once again. "Marry me."

My heart skipped a beat. I turned the thought over in my mind. "Newt," I giggled.

He propped himself up on his elbow, "I'm not joking. I've known since the second we met I wanted to spend my life with you."

"Newt baby, we're not even 18."

"It doesn't matter. If I love you and you love me, who's going to stop us from promising that?"

I wasn't sure what I wanted to say. I wanted to say yes so I did. "This is crazy!" I covered my face with my hands. "But yes! Yes I'll marry you Newt!"

Newt kissed me once, twice, three times, "Really?"

I nodded, "Yes of course!"

He pulled me into a hug, "I'll be a good husband I promise."

I snuggled into him, "Well goodnight future husband."

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