The Glade Parents:

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A moment of silence for the best glader <3 May he rest in peace. 


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Three days later we found ourselves awaiting the arrival of the box. The alarm had sounded so now we all stood around the perimeter of the platform. When a soft "Boom" echoed underneath the metal lid Gally and Newt rushed to open it. Gally pulled up the grate cover and hopped into the box. Winston hopped down after him, "Hey we got our greenie!"

I walked over to the edge and stared down into the box. A young boy was sprawled in the center. He was small. Couldn't be older than 13. He had a mop of curly brown hair, chubby cheeks, and dimples.

"Day one," Gally said as he grabbed him and threw him out of the box.

The boy shuffled back on his hands. He looked at the rest of us with wide eyes.

Alby stepped forward, "Welcome to the glade. I'm Alby. You probably don't remember your name. It's alright. It'll come back to you."

The boy froze when the older boy walked up to him, "W-what?"

I walked over and stood beside Alby. Newt followed.

"Greenie, this is Newt, our second in command, and his lovely wife Zoe. We call them the glade parents. They just take care of all of us."

I laughed and extended my hand to the boy, "Come on. We don't bite."

"She doesn't at least," Alby teased. "Zoe's too sweet for her own good. Couldn't pull a weed even if she tried."

"Please stop preying on my wife's innocence," Newt joked. He winked at me. I blushed.

The boy used my hand to pull himself up.

"Alright greenie, why don't you come with me," Alby nodded for the boy to follow him.

The boy looked back at me nervously.

"Go on," I mouthed. He smiled and trotted along behind the leader.

"He seems like a nice fellow," Newt said and put his arm around my waist.


Molly and I were each given a small crate this time. Mine was stamped with A19, hers with A31. Newt and I walked back to our hut so we could investigate my box.

Newt pried off the lid with his knife and put the box down on our bed. I took out a black bag. It felt empty at first until my fingers found two small objects in the corner.

"Hey look," I reached into the bag and removed two silver rings. I gave the thicker one to newt. He took the second one from me and got down on his good knee, "Will you marry me?" 

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