Things Are Changing:

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Haha sorry updates are going more slowly. I have to watch the movie clips, type out what the characters say, try and fit my oc's in, and rewind if I don't catch it all or remember. Also gotta edit, edit ,edit.

Having fun tho! I'm watching a movie in my mind :)



No one moved a muscle. After a few moments of silence Molly broke into sobs and fell to her knees in front of the closed doors. 

She put her hands on the ground in front of her, "No no no no!" Her cries were heart shattering. Newt stood beside me with tears rolling down his cheeks. The two of us held hands and stared at the doors. We lost three friends that day.

I woke up that night to see Newt standing by the window. The silvery moonlight fell across his bare skin as he stared up at the sky. I watched him for a few moments. He was crying and mumbling words I could not understand to himself. He looked so broken. Newt had never looked so shattered.

I slipped out of bed and stood behind him. With one arm wrapped around him I tiptoed and rested my chin on his shoulder. My husband turned around and hugged me. I put my arms around him so he could rest his bury his face in my neck.

"They're gone," he said through tears.

I couldn't even form words. He followed me back to our bed. I laid down and patted my chest. Newt crawled on top of me and rested his head on my chest. He sighed and snuggled into me. My legs tangled with his as we cuddled in the darkness. I played with his hair, "I love you."

He smiled, eyes closed, "I love you."

"We're going to be okay."

He nodded and rested his hand on my chest. I pulled the blanket over us and relaxed. Newt whispered, "Please don't leave me."

"Never. I promise," I kissed the top of his head.

            The next morning everyone was up before the gates even opened. We assembled in the darkness and waited. Something in me held onto hope. Thomas, Minho, and Alby would come through those doors and everything would be fine.

Molly joined the group last. Her ginger hair was braided messily. She wore one of Minho's t-shirts. Daniel had massive bags under his eyes. I don't think he slept a full hour in the last two days. We all stared into the narrow passageway as the doors creaked open. My heart stopped. Nothing. No one. They were gone.

"I told you Chuck. They're not coming back," Newt said. The gladers started walking away.

I put a hand over my mouth to muffle my sobs, turned away, and then turned back when Zart said, "No way."

I looked into the maze.

"YEAH!" Chuck yelled excitedly.

They were alive. All the boys around me laughed and hollered happily as Thomas, Minho, and an unconscious Alby walked out of the maze. Minho put Alby down and was tackled by his ecstatic girlfriend. The two of them held each other, not letting go.

"You're okay," Molly wiped away a happy tear.

Minho nodded, smiled, and kissed her.

Newt looked Alby over.

"You saw a griever?" Chuck asked.

Thomas was out of breath, "Yes I saw one."

"He didn't just see one," Minho pulled away from Molly. "He killed it."

He what. All the boys stared at Thomas.

Newt, Daniel, Gally, and Clint carried Alby to the med-hut. Jeff and I rushed to prepare things for treating Alby's wounds.

The Glader: Newt x OCWhere stories live. Discover now