The Griever's Little Visit:

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Alby was sitting up on his bed when our group rushed into the med-hut.

"Alby?" Newt asked as he sat down beside his friend. "Alby, you alright?"

Thomas knelt down in front of our leader, "Hey Alby? Alby, w-we, we might have just found a way out of the maze."

"It's true," Molly added.

"You hear me? We could be getting out of here," Thomas said.

Alby shook his head slowly, still staring straight ahead, "We can't- We can't leave. They won't let us."

Newt and I looked at each other.

"What are you talking about?"

Alby had tears in his eyes as he said, "I remember."

"What do you remember?" I asked.

Alby looked over at Thomas, "You. You were always their favorite Thomas. Always."

Thomas looked confused.

"Why did you do this?" Our leader questioned. "Why did you come here?"

                I heard voices outside. Thomas ran outside followed by the rest of us.

Thomas looked around. All the boys were looking around with torches. Something was wrong.

"What's going on?" Thomas asked.

Winston ran up, "The door! it's not closing!"

Daniel appeared next to me.

Some of the boys were running towards the four open doorways. I grabbed onto Newt who held me close to him. All of us ran towards the closest door.

"What's happening?" Molly asked next to me. "Why isn't the door closing?"

"They should have been closed half-an-hour ago!" My brother said. "At first I thought maybe we'd counted the hours wrong but the sun and all." He trailed off.

The temperature in the glade had dropped with the setting of the sun. A cold breeze blew in the grass and made me shiver. Daniel stood close to Newt and I with his knife in hand. A loud clang echoed around us. We all yelped and covered our ears. The door opposite the one we stood in front of opened.

Newt pulled me into his side, "Stay close to me."

I nodded and held his hand. The crows cawed as they took off into the dark skyline.

Molly ducked behind Minho as another door opened. The fourth set of doors creaked open. I saw some bobbing lights headed towards it.

"Newt," I whispered. "What's going on?" 

He looked down at me and then back at the doors. No one knew what to do. We all just stared at the doors in paralyzing fear.

"Alright Chuck. I want you to go to the council hall and start barricading the doors," Thomas said at last.

"Winston you go with him,"Newt commanded.

"grab the others! Go to the forest, go hide!" Gally said to one of the younger boys whose name was Derek. Derek ran off.

"Minho I want you to grab every weapon you can find," Thomas put a hand on his friend's shoulder. "We'll meet you at council hall."

Minho jogged off with Molly and Frypan following.

"Teresa, you and I are going to go get Alby," He said. "Daniel, go make sure no ones left in the barn."

My twin nodded and ran off towards the barn.

The Glader: Newt x OCOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz