Day 1 Green Bean:

521 12 4

6 months later.


 I took the picture of him off the wall. The face that stared back at me was my newt, but not. This was his profile photo, the bleak,gray, background wall that did nothing to flatter his beautiful eyes. Two pools of amber haze that still made me swoon. Newt would be 17 by now. 17 and he was trapped in a maze while someone tried to find a cure for a virus. 

I rolled over and looked at the screen across my room.


I groaned, stretched, and sat on the edge of my bed. Newt's bed was empty where it still sat on the other side of the room. I missed hearing the soft sound of his breathing at night. Or when he would cuddle in my bed with me for the last hour before the wake up call. How his voice sounded in the morning when he woke me up with his usual "Good morning lovely."

Even though my hair looked like it had been through a wind tunnel and my voice was so croggy I probably sounded like a toad. It was the little things he did I missed the most. Such as sneaking into the copy room for our stolen kisses or eating our meals in the lab together. 

Teresa, my roommate, handed me a cup of water, "They want you in the lab after breakfast."

I sipped the cool liquid and nodded, "Alright. It's probably about the jumbled reports I sorted."

Teresa nodded and turned back to her computer, "I've got to meet with Ava today. I'll be back late."

"Mk," I said as I grabbed my coat off the hook.

             I sat outside the lab having eaten my breakfast quickly. Two guards approached me.

"Subject A19?" One asked.

I recognized my number, "Yes?"

"Come with us," The other grabbed my arm and led me through the halls of HQ.

Thomas stood as we passed his desk where he was intently studying a blueprint. His jaw lowered slightly. He frowned and went back to work. The guards didn't stop until we stood outside the doors.

Oh no. Oh no no no. I stared at the cold, steel doors. That was where they took them. The subjects. The ones to be sent.

I laid on a table, naked, with a sheet over my body. Ava stood looking at scans of me on a screen. I was shaking with fear.

"Remember," She said as she leaned over me with an oxygen mask in her hand. "W.C.K.D is good Zoe."

I looked out the window as she slipped the mask over my face. Thomas and Teresa stood with sad looks on their faces. My vision blurred.

         When my eyes opened I was thrashing around in water. I could barely make out the shapes of people as I tried to swim. The water pushed me down but I fought it with every ounce of strength. I recognized a brown haired boy standing beside a woman in a white coat. He was looking up at me and then down at the form he was filling out. That's supposed to be my job.

"Remember, W.C.K.D is good," The woman said as my senses cut.

Darkness. Nothing.

         I felt a cold, hard, rigid surface under my body. The wind howled around me, blowing my shoulder-length hair in the dark. I was moving upward.

I scrambled onto my hands and knees only to be tossed onto my side. Where was I? Who am I? Why can't I remember anything?

"Somebody help!" I screamed. "Hello?"

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