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6 months later

Walking over to the balcony of our Vacation home in Mexico I sipped my wine glass peering down at the view below me the soft sand, the blue water, the waves crashing against the shore line I felt at peace. These past few months have been hectic the day I was supposed to announce that I was stepping down I talked about the equality of women how we need to protect them black women specifically and I also played the recording for everyone to hear shortly after Washington was arrested for Treason. I became the Mayor of Atlanta just like I had hoped the first thing I did was develop an organization that places needy families in affordable housing I also am in the process of having our current low-income housing remolded never again will families be forced to live in these conditions. I attend weekly therapy for anger management I'm happy to say my life has changed for the better.

"You hungry babe?" Angela walked up behind me wrapping her arms around me.

"Yeah I'll take anything as long as you're cooking." I joked

"Yeah yeah I'll fix something quick because I'm hungry too can we walk the beach after dinner you know that's my favorite?"

"Of course." I gave her a toothy smile watching her wobble away.

Yeah you heard me right I said wobble, who would've know 6 months ago I told her I wasn't ready to start a family but clearly God had other plans. I didn't think she would ever come back to me but I'm glad she did.


My phone has been ringing off the hook ever since I gave what was supposed to be my stepping down speech. Everyone wanted an exclusive on how I obtained the recording and how I feel about being wrongfully accused. I pulled into the driveway and hoped out I looked around but once again Angela's car wasn't in the driveway I shook my head in defeat but I wasn't giving up. This seemed to be the norm for me regardless of what I had planned for the day I would always see myself coming home earlier just to see if she decided to come back yet but each time I was let down and today was no different.

After taking a relaxing shower I decided to head to my office see what the blogs are talking about or if Washington has made a statement yet. Just as I sat down in my chair I heard the front door shut. I was almost certain I locked it when I came inside and the only person other than myself with a key is Angela.

I jetted down the winding staircase only to see her standing at the bottom with her luggage and keys in her hand.

"You're home." I stated the obvious

"For good." She kicked over one of her suitcases making it fall to the floor.

"You're ready for me to hit you?" I asked confirming

She nodded her head and sucked in a huge gust of air closing her eyes bracing herself. I got down on one knee in front of her. A few minutes went by before she opened her eyes with a look of confusion.

"What are you doing?"

"Baby I was never going to hit you. I just wanted to make sure you were coming back for the right reasons. I know I haven't been the best husband I've been anything but that but I'm asking you to stick it out with me go to therapy with me I promise on my mother I will never lay another hand on you." I pleaded

"Are you serious?"

"Yes you know I'm old my knees hurt."

She grabbed my hand pulling up to her and kissed me. She hasn't kissed me like that in a very long time.

I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance, she obliged. Instead of us fighting for dominance like usual she fully submitted to me. That was all the answer I needed but I still asked to make sure.

"Is that a yes."

"Yes but I have to tell you something that happened when I left." She looked nervous

"I don't care it's water under the bridge." I stared deeply into her eyes so she could see how serious I was.


"I already know It's ok, it's behind us."


I made my way down the stairs to figure out what we're having for dinner I wanted something quick. I opened the fridge peering inside. Frowning up my face I dramatically closed the door and opened the freezer realizing how pointless that was I did the same.

"Maybe we should just go out to eat." I thought out loud grabbing my phone and sitting on the couch to see what places are open and close.

"Why do you keep calling me?" I whispered into the phone

"I'm checking on my baby." He chuckled into the phone

"You don't if it's yours hell I don't even know but you need to stop calling me." I looked over my shoulder to make sure Casey was coming down the stairs.

"Ang-" I hung up the phone before he had a chance to respond.

I went to his contact and blocked his number, erasing his contact as well as any calls or texts from him. Casey and I are happy, really happy I don't need Trey coming in the picture fucking shit up. Casey thinks I asked to come here because of the constant stress of him being Mayor which is partially true but really I heard Trey is back in town and I didn't want to take the chances of him just popping up. Twirling the necklace around my neck I was in disbelief of the drama that was about to unfold once we get back to Atlanta in a few weeks. I remembered my sister used to say "All good things must come to an end" and boy wasn't that true. I was right her death was no accident at fist the police tried to pin it on Casey given their history plus the recording tried to spin the whole he killed her because she told everyone about their affair thing, but I knew better it turns out Casey's assistant ran her off the road and set flames to her car when asked why she gave some bullshit excuse like "Without Casey being Mayor it was going to fuck up her money." So you mean to tell me you killed someone over a few thousand dollars? I wanted her put under the jail she's currently serving life in Fulton County. I loved my sister even though we never got along. She left me her share of the salon which I find myself in frequently making sure everything is running smoothly.

"I thought you were cooking I don't smell any food?" I turned around to see Casey walking down the steps rubbing his stomach

"We don't have anything I want I was thinking we'd go out to eat instead?" I put on my best puppy dog eyes batting my eye lashes

"That's fine with me love as long as I get to eat first I'm starved."

I looked at him with a confused expression until he got on his knees in front of me pushing me back and lifting up my dress.

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