Chapter 2

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*Casey's mom in mm*


I rolled over hitting the alarm clock on my bedside table. I squinted my eyes looking at the time it read 8:45. I reached over to wake up Casey for work but to my surprise his side of the bed was cold he probably left for work early I thought to myself. I layed in bed for a moment staring at the ceiling. Last night's events came flooding back the anniversary party, my sister bringing my ex and having zero amount of shame while doing so, the beating and of course the intensive loving making afterwards.

I sat up right looking over towards the window where the sun was peaking through the drapes my left eye stung at the exposure to the sunlight. I put my arm up to shield the bright light. Something laying on Casey's pillow caught my eye. A note, it read Left for work early didn't want to wake you. I love you. Casey

I placed the note on my table next to the alarm clock. It's funny how such a sweet gesture could gain no emotion from me. I was numb, to Casey trying to make up for what happened. I was numb to our marriage so long I've put up with his crap nothing seems to phase me anymore.

I threw the covers back and walked into the bathroom to do my morning routine which consisted of using the bathroom, brushing my teeth and of course washing my face. My face stung with each touch I didn't even wince. I'm ashamed to say I've gotten use to this, The morning after is always the worst. Once I was finished I walked down the winding staircase and into the kitchen. Well at least he made coffee I said to myself mentally rolling my eyes grabbing a cup and pouring myself some.

I sat down at the kitchen island and began checking messages I missed from last night.

"Giiiiirl Trey has been talking about you non stop since last night he couldn't get enough of you in that dress." I read from my sister. I chuckled and exited out of her message I'll text her back later that girl is something else. "Hey dear I didn't get a chance to speak to you last night you and Casey left so abruptly but I would love to sit down and have a girl's luncheon." The message from Casey's mom Mrs. Joanna read. She's a sweet heart of course she didn't like me at first she thought I was just after his money like his other girlfriends before me but after some time she warmed up to me which I was grateful for.

I took a sip of my coffee and called her.

"Hello?" She answered on the second ring

"Hey Mrs .Joanna it's me Angela." I replied taking another sip of my coffee

"Oh hey dear how are you this morning?" She asked cheerfully

"I'm doing well I just got your message and I would love to do a girl's luncheon."

"That's wonderful meet me at the South Kitchen in Midtown at noon."

"Ok I'll see you then." I replied hanging up.

I finished my coffee and walked into the foyer I began to pick up things that were knocked over last night and straightened up a bit. I walked into the living room and started flipping through channels I came across the news and settled on that. Casey and my picture flashed across the screen as the news anchor began to speak about Casey running for the next mayor of Atlanta. It was a picture of us last night we looked happy but you know what they say looks can be deceiving. Was I happy about Casey running for Mayor? Yes of course I never want to hinder his growth if he wants to move up in life by all means go for it and maybe just maybe it will give him more time out of the house and away from me. Am I happy about all the appearances we're going to have to make? Hell no there's only so many fake smiles a woman can do and I pretty work on that since I was called out on it last night.

Before I knew it, it was going on 10:30 I decided I better go ahead and get dressed depending on the Atlanta traffic I don't want to risk being late. I hoped in the shower and just let the hot water cascade down my body starting at the top of my head and letting it flow all the way to the bottom of my feet. I let my body relaxing onto the cool tile behind me I stayed like the for awhile before washing my body with Dove exfoliating body wash. After I was done I moisturized my body with coconut oil and put on a brown Fendi jumpsuit with the matching brown shoes, I put my hair into a neat bun on top of my head being that it was till wet. I want minimum jewelry so I just put on a pair of diamond studs Casey got me for my birthday a few years back. Now for the part I dreaded. My face. I grabbed my MAC concealer and began to go over the now purple bruise on my eye. It wasn't as swollen shut as it was last night but it wasn't that good either. I over it to more times letting it dry for 10 minutes in between then went over it with some liquid foundation. After I was finished I took a good look at myself the bruise was vaguely noticeable but it was there I picked up my black Dior shades placing them on my face. I grabbed my brown Fendi tote bag and was out the door.

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