Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


Driving down the highway I know I was going well over the speed limit but I didn't care I had one mission and that was to find my wife I looked at the GPS on my phone and back up at the street in front of me I made a left turn onto a residential street. I decided to drive past the house first just to stake it out. The house was a two story brick front house "Hmm looks homey" I thought to myself as I peered at the freshly cut grass out front. I could see a light on upstairs through the window "That must be the master" I thought to myself. I looked in the driveway but didn't see Angela's car but guess who's car I did see? Ashley's what the fuck was she doing here? I mean I know her and this lame are friends being that she brought him to our anniversary party but it was well after 10pm a little late for a "friend" visit if you're catching my drift. I drove down the street a little parallel parking in-between a candy apple red SUV and some soccer mom van. I came here to find Angela but I wanna see what's going on here first before I pull off. My phone began to ring thinking it was Angela I hurried up and grabbed it taking my eyes away from the front door for a split second.

"Hello?" I answered without checking the caller ID putting my focus back on the house.

"Where are you?" My assistant asked over the phone her background sounded like she was driving

"I told you already I came to find Angela." Irritation clearly laced in my voice

"Well did you?" She questioned

"No why have you heard from her?" I quizzed right back

"No I locked up the house and came to find you before you do anything stupid." Now she was the one irritated

"I'm not gonna do anything stupid you have my word I just want to find Angela, talk to her and then I'm going straight home." I half lied

"I mean it Casey all of our carriers are riding on this."

I hung up instead of replying back. Shit I know she's just looking out for me and she means well but damn this campaign I have more important things to worry about. Just then Ashley came bolting out of the house with that lame right on her heels.

"You need to let this go!" He whisper yelled

"No I'm not letting shit go you think I'm let that punk put his hands on me and I'm not gonna do anything about it?" She yelled back opening her car door and climbing in

"Look this has all gone too far Ash we need to end this before someone gets hurt."

"Thanks for your concern but I'm a big girl, you'll still get the money you were promised don't call me again until after all of this is over I'll contact you when and where to pick up your money." With that she shut the door and pulled off.

I watch the nigga trudge back into the house shaking his head.

I wonder what that was about? What money? What has gone too far? I vaguely recall being drunk and almost having sex with Ashley I also remember her calling Angela out of her name and that's when I chocked her but what is she planning to do about it? I'm pretty sure those two are working together but for what? Once the light to the master bedroom shut off I took out my phone to check Angie's location but it was off she must've turned her phone off

"Fuck!" I yelled slamming my hand on the steering wheel. I cut my car back on and left the neighborhood before someone spotted my car. I drove around for what felt like hours going to different hotels, motels, any and everywhere I thought Angie might be my assistant kept blowing up my phone and I eventually turned it off I don't have time for her shenanigans. Looking at the time on the dashboard it read 1:02am deciding to call it a night I drove in the direction of the Mansion Angie and I once shared. Even though I knew it was a long shot a small part of me hoped her car would be in the driveway when I pulled up but sadly it wasn't. I shut my car off sighing as I drug my feet up the cobble stone path towards the door sticking my key in the lock and unlocking it. Making my way up the winding staircase for the first time since Angie left I now know what it's like to come home to an empty house. No loud ass crumb snatchers running around, no barking dogs, no freshly cooked meal nothing. Dead silence. I walked into the walk in closet we once shared and fell to the floor a loud sob escaped my lips. I could feel my heart breaking. I had to get Angie back but How?

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