Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


"So is this interview just with you?" I asked Jackson as we rode the elevator to the 13th floor

"Not just me but my boss as well, he just wants to see if you have a good enough story to take to a news station." He clarified

"Wait I don't want to be on TV." I became nervous

"Well we can just record your voice then is that ok?" He asked with a hint of concern.

I have to admit him being all caring and concerned was definitely turning me on not to mention the way his Armani suit was hugging his biceps.

"Is that ok?" He asked again bringing me back to earth

"Uh yeah yeah sure as long as there's no cameras." I blushed looking at the ground afraid he saw my eyes roaming his body.

The elevator dinged and I scurried off beating him out the sliding doors.

"Where is his office?" I looked around the halls to see if I could find any indication that his office was some where close.

"Right this way, follow me." He motioned towards the right side of the wall.

I simply nodded and followed behind him just like he said. He walked up to a glass door that said Washington in bold lettering he gave 2 quick knocks before walking in. A bald headed white man was sitting behind an oak desk with his feet up twirling a pen.

"Here she is." Jackson announced motioning towards me as I stood off to the side.

"Ahh Miss Ashley, I'm Mayor Washington it's a pleasure to finally meet you." He stood up from his desk and shook my hand.

"You as well." I sat in the chair closest to his desk.

"Jackson here tells me you turned down our first offer why is that?" He wore a look of confusion

"If you want to hear my side of this affair that's fine but I was told you want to use this information for your campaign to insure a win is that correct?" I might be just a poor black girl from the hood but make no mistake I'm no fool.

"Well uh yes." He became nervous I could almost see sweat beads forming on his big ass forehead

"Look I honestly don't care what you plan to use it for however if you are using it to take to Casey then I have just the think for that." I smiled

"Which is?"

"A video of me seducing him and then him choking me, everyone thinks he is a saint but he beats on women. You think my sister left him because of our affair? That's not the only reason and I have proof."

"Shut the front door are you serious?" His face resembled a kid in a candy store

"Duh but I'm not showing you anything until I get my money." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Jackson you heard the woman wire her the money will ya." He couldn't stop smiling I thought he was gonna have stroke.

"The amount we discussed?" I had to clarify


I logged into my online banking so I could be notified the second the money hit my account. I was also rehearsing what I was gonna say. The whole affair thing was a lie but so far the only ones that knew that weren't in this room. The video pretty much speaks for itself so I'm not worried about that.

A few minutes later Jackson came back in.

"It's done."

I checked my account and sure enough I was $50,000 richer. I couldn't believe my eyes, me on the beach somewhere in Mexico sipping Mojitos played in my mind.

Dangerous Love Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora