Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


Within the next few days I was very busy Jackson and I took trips to the soup kitchen as well as a few women's shelters we put together care packages filled with all the basic necessities like tooth paste, tooth brushes, soap, wipes, deodorant, etc. I also made sure photos were taken as well as video. I took a break from feeding the homeless to see if I could spot Jackson and sure enough he was off to the side doing something on his phone.

"Hey everything alright?" I walked over to him stopping a few feet in front of him

"Uh yeah why you need something?" He hurriedly put his phone back into his pocket.

"No no everything is turning out quiet well don't you think" I spun around gesturing towards the crowd that was now in a single file line receiving their meal.

"Yeah this was a good idea even the camera crew seems to be having a good time the music was a nice touch too." He chuckled at some of the younger kids dancing around while their parents chastised them about staying in line.

"Is everything ok with you?" I was concerned

"Yeah why you ask?' He nervously rubbed the back of his neck

"Well I've noticed you haven't been yourself at first I thought it was just the stress of putting all of this together last minute but now that it's almost over I see your mood still hasn't changed."

"I-I don't want to bother you with my problems I mean you have enough to worry about as it is."

"Jackson, I know I'm not your father but you are my nephew and I do look at you as a son so trust me when I say whatever is bothering you I want to help you." I sighed placing my hand on his shoulder for emotional support.

"Fine. You know Ashley? The girl we called in to do the interview?" He looked down at the ground

"Yeah what about her?" I looked at him strangely

"We hooked up I offered to take her on a date but she declined anyway after the interview she told me to come by her place at 7. I did but when I got there nobody answered the door I even tried calling her but her phone keeps going straight to voicemail." He let out an exasperated sigh

"How many times have you called her?" Now I was curious

"I lost count between then and now but surely a couple times a day."

"Well well that black pussy got you going crazy huh?" I whispered

"Come on now this is serious I'm really worried about her, I haven't had time to go by her house what if something happened to her." He gave me an annoyed expression

"You know maybe she took the money and got out of town you did say she declined the date." I shrugged my shoulders

"Maybe you're right but why did she tell me to come over if she was just planning to leave? It doesn't make sense."

"Let me tell you something I've learned over the years, we as men will never understand why a woman does what she does regardless of her skin color. Now how about we wrap this up so we can air this tonight and I'll have someone look into it. Does that give you a peace of mind?"

"Yeah I guess so."

I grabbed him into a fatherly hug, and walked back over to the crowd to finish serving food. I personally didn't like Ashley I think she's an opportunist someone just looking for a come up. You see how fast she sold out her sister and brother-in-law for a few thousand dollars but if she makes Jackson happy then I'll do everything I can to find her.

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