Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


It's been a few weeks since Angie has been living with me and I'm not gonna lie I expected her to go back to Casey by now I mean don't get me wrong we've been hanging out and doing fun things like going to the movies and that park even the aquarium to get and keep her mind off of things but any small thing, like a certain food or smell will remind her of Casey and she's right back to being depressed but I'm glad she hasn't gone back I like having her around plus we've been getting a lot closer.

"Hey I thought you were gonna make breakfast?" I heard from behind me

"Uh yeah I was but I got distracted." I spun around in my chair

"Well in that case I figured we could cook together?" She wore a huge grin on her face

"You can cook?" I asked suddenly surprised

"Of course I can silly." She playfully rolled her eyes

"My bad I just thought you and him had a chef or something." I purposely avoided saying the name and began to get the breakfast out of the fridge

"Uh no I mostly did the cooking." She put her head down as she stared at the floor.

"That's ok I'm sorry to keep bringing it up I'm just curious as to what your life was like after high school I mean when I ran into Ashley awhile back she didn't really say much just that you were in a bad marriage and you needed a way out but just didn't know how to say it." I began to prepare the food while she put the pans on the stove and turned them on.

"Well I mean my marriage wasn't great we had our, issues just like every other married couple some worse than others. We met in high school as well after you and me broke up. I was just looking for a friend and he was that of course it turned into more. His family always had money but he was never the one to be flashy about it. When we became a couple he never let me pay for anything whether it was my hair or nails, even whatever clothes I wanted. We went to the same college he insisted that we get a place together instead of staying on campus and I obliged. Once again he payed for and took care of everything, he said he just wanted me to focus on school and he'll handle everything else. Things were good I mean better than good he was treating me like a queen I never had to worry about him cheating or anything like that. After college we got married, a week later bought a house and moved right in. He always dreamed of going into politics, he always wanted me by his side. He got a job right out of college I wanted to do the same but he told me no. If I was going to be a senator's wife I wasn't allowed to have a regular, or even a job at all. It wasn't what I want and I knew it was wrong but once again I obliged. He would go to work and I would take care of the house, everything was fine until..." Her voice trailed off as she stared at the food letting a tear cascade down her face.

"Until what?" I pushed

"Until it wasn't." She finished wiping her face and turning back to cooking.

"If none of that happened where do you think you would've been right now career wise?" I changed the subject to something more upbeat

"I have no clue maybe one of the top social workers in the state." She looked off into space

"You thought about this a lot haven't you?" I opened the cabinet taking out 2 places and 2 glasses

"Yeah I mean what life would've been like but that's over now." She shrugged her shoulders and went back to plating our food.

"It doesn't have to be you have the credentials all you need is a job I say go for it." I encouraged her pouring OJ in our glasses

"You don't think it's too late?" She nervously sat down across from me.

"No it's never too late if you want I can even help you fill out some applications."

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