Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


I didn't expect the photoshoot to go the way it did but all in all I'm glad. It seemed like for once me and Angie were actually a happily married couple, it's been awhile since I was that genuinely happy I'll admit that majority of our issues are my fault. I just hope she doesn't leave me things were going good but once I seen her with her ex that shit triggered something in me.

The photoshoot was just wrapping up the production team began packing up as well as the stylist. I looked for Angie and she was standing near the photographer all giggly and shit. This that bullshit I be talking about why can't she just put her coat on and be on her way.

I walked over to the as if I was on a mission.

"Hey babe." I greeted her as I kissed her on her cheek wrapping my arm around her protectively

"Hey love we were talking about him doing a photoshoot at the house I think it would be a good idea." She said as she looked up at me

"Yeah your wife is good in front of the camera I wouldn't mind coming by and taking some shots of her in her natural element." The photographer said with a cheesy ass grin

"I don't think that is on the list for your campaign duties." I said shutting that idea right down

"Uh yeah I was just thinking for future references." He replied nervously

"Ok we'll I'll let you know if we need you again." I replied grabbing Angie's hand and walking off without giving him a chance to respond.

"What was that?" She asked snatching her arm away from me after we got to a secluded area

"He doesn't need to be taking pictures of you when I'm not around especially not in our home." I replied trying to keep my voice down remembering where we are and who is around.

"Really Casey? It's not like that and you know it." She replied storming off I was about to go after her when my campaign manager walked up to me.

"Ooouu did I interrupt something?" He asked watching Angie walk away

"Nah she's just upset because she wanted to keep some of the pictures for her scrap bookings." I lied

"Ok well I can arrange for the photographer to email them to you." He replied as if it was no big deal

"Right uh you wanted something?" I asked getting to the point

"Yeah before you leave I set up an interview with ET that will air later tonight." He gestured towards that crew that began to set up their equipment. I was so into my conversation with Angie that I didn't even see them come in.

"Why didn't you notify me before hand? How long is this going to take?" I asked looking down at my watch becoming irritated.

"I'm notifying you now, might as well get it done now while you're here. It'll only take a few minutes." He replied walking me over to the chair.

"Ok look go out to the car and let my wife know."

"Will do." He replied walking off.

"Hi I'm Jessica Wilson from ET and this is my assistant Jeffery we'll be conducting your interview." Jessica replied as we both sat down in our designated chairs.

"Nice to meet you I'm Casey." I greeted her holding my hand out to shake hers.

"Ok before we start is anything off limits? Any questions you'd rather not answer?"

"Uh no I'm an open book." I replied shifting a little in my seat

"Ok lets get started. Can you tell me a little about your background?"

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