Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


I drove around for what felt like hours with no sense of direction. I just couldn't get those images out of my mind. Images of Casey touching my sister in the same way he touched me I felt sick. More than sick I was mortified. My phone kept ringing off the hook but I never picked it up or even looked at it I couldn't bring myself to. I was so out of it and distraught that I almost rammed into the car in front of me at a red light I slammed on the brakes, the car behind me honked their horn and yelled not so pleasant things out of the window. I knew I had to either pull over or figure out where I was going.

I pulled into a pizza hut parking lot and looked at my phone. several missed calls from Casey's assistant I didn't want to think about Casey, assistant or his stupid campaign. I scrolled through my call log until I came across the only person I want to speak to and pressed the call button.

"Hello?" He breathed through the phone

"Hey uh it's me Angie." I replied nervously

"Hey Ang what's going on?"

"Uh can I come by? I wanna talk I-I need a friend." I asked hoping he would agree

"Uh sure is everything ok?" He asked concerned

"Um not really I just need someone to talk to." I replied beginning to realize this was stupid, just as I was about to hang up he gave ne the answer I was looking for

"Yeah ok I'll text you the address just let me know when you're here ok?"

"Yeah ok." I replied before hanging up

As soon as the text came through I backed out of the parking lot and drove to the address he sent me. Trying to clear my mind I decided to play some music but after switching the dial over a million times I gave up.

Pulling into the driveway I sent Trey a quick text.


"Ok come in." He replied back almost instantly

He opened the door before I could have the chance to knock.

"Were you looking out the window?" I chuckled walking in

"Maybe." He replied laughing back

"You have a nice home, not what I expected but nice." I replied walking into the living room and taking a seat on the sofa

"Not what you expected what's that mean?" He asked coming into the living room with 2 water bottles, he handed me one.

"I expected a bachelor pad maybe something manly not modern." I said taking another look around

"Well you know I do what I can." He replied shrugging his shoulders.

I took a sip of my water to relax my nerves.

"You wanna talk about why you came by?" He asked picking up on my nervousness

"Do you just ever feel like you don't know how your life got so messed up? I mean everything is ok one minute and then the next is shit? If you think hard enough you can remember the few good times but things are so fucked up you feel like it would be hard to go back?" I asked chewing on my bottom lip

"Well Yes I have felt like that. But the good thing about life is that you can always start over you're never actually stuck doing something or even being somewhere you don't want to be. So if you feel like things are fucked up in the space that you're at why not just start fresh?"

"What if you have a lot invested?"

"See now that is the tricky part." He replied taking a sip of his water

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