Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


My eyes fluttered open and I looked around realizing I was in Trey's room. I simply smiled to myself thinking back to the conversation we just had sharing that intimate moment up until then I haven't told anyone about Casey and I's marriage but for some reason I felt like I could trust him hell he let me stay in his home with all of my baggage and I'm not talking about the suitcases I brought with me. I'm not sure how long I was out but it couldn't have been that long because it was till daylight outside. I tried to sit up but I felt a massive headache coming on, probably all of that wine I drank not to mention that love making session I just endured he definitely put a bitch to sleep.

I chuckled and eased out of the bed. I staggered towards the kitchen to find Trey I was in need of some serious aspirin but I have no clue where he keeps it. When I made it to the kitchen he was no where to be found but I could see the sliding door that let to the back door was slightly ajar. I could hear voices so I wasn't sure if he was on the phone or if someone had came over. As I moved closer towards the door I could see him slouched over in one of the chairs with his phone sitting on the table noticing he was indeed having a phone conversation I was about to walk away to give him some privacy and just find the aspirin myself until I heard a familiar voice. He was talking to Ashley I know that they're friends I mean that's how we got reconnected I chose to stay and eavesdrop just to see if she would mention me or Casey but what I ended up hearing I wasn't prepared for.

"What?" I asked just to make sure I heard everything correctly

He looked up at me like a deer caught in headlines and hung up the phone.

"Angela" His face wore an expression I couldn't exactly read hurt mixed with fear

"So you were just using me?" Once again making sure I had all the facts straight even though I clearly heard the conversation clear as day

"It's not what you think." He tried to explain as he got up and followed me into the house when I turned around to storm away

"So what is it? Huh? Ashley promised you money to do what? to sleep with me?" Tears began to run down my face, the realization of the situation hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Yes but no wait just listen to me please let me explain!" He yelled as I stormed into the spare room and began throwing my things into suitcases.

"There's nothing to explain Trey! I thought out of everyone I could trust you!" I yelled spinning around and hitting him in his chest.

"Angie just listen please!" He yelled grabbing my hands to stop me from hitting him.

I stared at him with a tear stained face giving him a chance to speak.

"Yes I was using you, but that's until I realized there was really a chance for us the conversation you heard was me telling her I didn't want to do this anymore." He pleaded

"I can't believe you!" I snatched out of his embrace using my free hand to smack the dog shit out of him.

"Angie it's not what you think I love you!" He yelled stumbling back a few feet

"Fuck you!" I grabbed my suitcases and rushed towards the front door

"Where are you going to go?" He asked as I slung the front door open

"I don't know but I'll figure it out!" I struggled to get my suitcases out the door but I damn sure wasn't about to ask him for any help.

"You can't leave like this I'm not letting you walk out on me again!" He yelled storming behind me.

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