Before she could say a word to him, he was out of sight.

Left alone, she looked down at herself and cackled, unable to believe that he had just rejected her beautiful body.

Glad no one witnessed her moment of rejection, she reached for her underwear and dress.

She then paced with crossed arms, wondering what else she could do to have him.

She then stood still when she wondered if he had rejected her because of Kaelyn.


A few minutes after Demeena returned to the mansion, Winn heard her calling for him and he could already tell that she was infuriated.

He came running and kept his head low when he was right in front of her. "You called me," he said.

"Of course I did. Isn't that why you came?"

When he was told that he needed to immediately go to Crimson's house to find out more about the girl he had seen, he looked up at her with wide eyes. "But...but... Crimson warned me to never return."

"That isn't my problem. Think of a way to get information about that girl. You know exactly what will happen to Arya if you don't."

As soon as Arya was mentioned, Winn put his hands together. "Please don't hurt her. I'm here to serve you and do whatever you ask. I'll leave right away."

He then heard Demeena scoff.  "You're such a slave and for what? Love? I've never seen such stupidity."

As much as Winn hated being insulted, he knew he had to keep going for Arya. He didn't want her to suffer more than she already did because of him.


After Crimson left Demeena standing alone and with no clothes on, he went to another abandoned building. He still didn't feel like returning home.

He stood by a broken window as he thought about Demeena and how desperate she had become for them to be together.

With his senses so strong, he picked up a scent he hadn't sensed in a while and feeling it get stronger, he decided to wait.

Soon enough, Aiden popped his head into the building. "I haven't seen you since you stopped me from feeding on that filthy and homeless girl."

"Bold of you to show up before me despite my warning to you that night."

Aiden snickered. "I wouldn't be here if not for this. Look what I picked up."

When Crimson saw the earring between Aiden's fingertips, he snatched it from him without saying a word.

As Crimson recognized the earring he had thrown away, he could see and hear Aiden speak.

"These earrings were so expensive and unique that only one person had them and you got them for her," Aiden said.

Crimson still said nothing, only looking at the earring as he wondered why it had to return to him. He was certain he would never see it again.

"I saw you take that homeless girl with you and wondered why. Now it makes sense. She even calls you Master. I must say, you're so fast. Does she know?"

Having heard enough, with his superspeed and strength, Crimson wrapped his hand around Aiden's neck with a poker face, but his eyes were menacing as he said, "No, she doesn't."

He then snapped Aiden's neck, held onto the top of his head, then ripped it off.

As Aiden's body dropped to the floor, Crimson launched the head across the room until it hit the wall and dropped to the floor as well.

He then threw the earring far away, then stood with his head high.

No more reminders.


Kaelyn was all alone in the living room when she flinched the moment she heard the doorbell ring.

She instantly got off the floor and stared at the door with her hands together, wondering whether to open it or stay right where she was.

Master told me to never open the door without his permission, but it could be an important message for him.

When it rang again, she got closer and slightly opened it, but told herself not to go outside.

She saw a pale guy standing there with a poker face. "Hello, I'm Winn. May I come in?"

"Master isn't home."

Winn chuckled. "It feels weird seeing your face and then hearing you call Crimson your master."

When she saw him lick his lips and look at her neck, she tightened the grip around the doorknob, especially when his next words sent a shiver down her spine. "Your blood must be so sweet for Crimson to have you in his house. Can I taste it?"

"You're also a v-vampire?" she asked, her heart racing.

With a smirk, he nodded and she wished she hadn't opened the door.

"I'd push this door open and drink your blood for as long as I want but that's not why I'm here," Winn said . "You seem so obedient. Does Crimson take care of you?"

"I....I really think you should leave," she said, the possibility of still getting attacked making her hands shaky.

"I can sense your fear and it's so satisfying," he whispered.

Terrified, she attempted to shut the door but felt a resistance from the other side.

"Wait, I was only messing with you. I won't hurt you," Winn said. "I just need to ask you something important. Please give me a few minutes of your time."

To Kaelyn, Winn now sounded different. He was calm and she felt she could trust him. She poked her head out again and curious, she opened the door wider. "What is it?"

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Before I even get to what I'm here for, you look pale. Were you this pale the last time I was here?"

"When was that?"

"Anyway, forget it because I need to leave before Crimson returns. For how long have you been here?"

"I've been here for a few weeks now."

"How did you and Crimson meet?"

She looked down and smiled when she remembered the night she met Crimson. "He saved me from another vampire. I was actually homeless and he took me in."

"It must be nice having a master who takes care of you."

She nodded. "Master really takes care of me."

Winn sighed. "I wish I could be a specific person's master and take care of her."

"Who's that?" she asked.

"Oh, don't mind me. I was only thinking out loud. I told you my name. What's yours?"

"I'm Kaelyn." Feeling more comfortable, she couldn't contain her curiosity. "About what you said, does it mean every vampire can be someone's master?"

"Yes, but it can only be one person at a time. That's why it's a special bond, but a dangerous one."

"What makes it dangerous?" she asked, tilting her head and nothing would've prepared her for Winn's response.

"Your master gets to decide when you die."

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