Unable to compose herself, she burst into tears.

With her eyes shut, she felt his thumbs wipe her tears and when she opened her eyes, he was just inches away from her face, then gently rubbed the back of his hand against her cheek.

"In that case, I'll find something else," he said. "Go to sleep now."

"Yes, Master."


A few days went by and Kaelyn's back had healed. He took good care of her and gave her everything she needed and as usual, she was grateful to him.

It was morning and she had just woken up. After freshening up, she headed downstairs so she could get something to eat.

When she got to the kitchen, she saw a woman in a servant's uniform.

"Good morning, Ma'am. I'm May and starting today, I'm here to serve you," she said.

Kaelyn smiled at her. "Good morning."

"What shall I make you for breakfast?"

As soon as she mentioned to May what she wanted to have on that particular morning, she headed back upstairs.

When Kaelyn knocked on Crimson's door and was allowed to go in, she noticed him looking at her lustfully as he rubbed his lower lip.

"Are you back for more?" he asked.

She cleared her throat, the thought of being in bed with him again flashing in her mind. "Uhm...no..I just met May, the new maid. She seems nice."

"Now you have someone to prepare all your meals."

With a curious expression, she paced. "Have I been preparing my own meals from the time I came here?"

As she waited for his response, she noticed his lust fade as he clenched his jaw. She quickly reminded herself not to ask questions.

Curious about the answer to her question, she needed to find another way.

"I wonder if I've always done everything by myself," she said as she approached the bed. "Maybe that's why you decided there was a need for a maid."

"Of course," he said with a blank expression, then caressed her neck. "Have you had breakfast?" he asked.

She parted her lips at the cold sensation of his touch. "Not yet."

"Then go and wait for it. I'll come for you when I need you."

Not able to handle more love making, she was glad he let her go. That was one of the times when she only wished to give her body a rest.

As she moved along the hallway with her arms crossed, she couldn't stop thinking about whether or not she had been managing the mansion since she had arrived there.

She was so deep in her thoughts that she hadn't been paying attention to her surroundings.

When she bumped into May, she looked up, but before she could even speak, she was cut off by May, who spoke first.

"You're not allowed to go beyond this point," May said, pointing at the stairs leading to a lower level of the mansion.

When Kaelyn looked behind May, she noticed the staircase. As far as she could remember, she had never thought much of it and usually stayed away, but since May had brought it up, her curiosity began to rise.

"Why can't I go there?" Kaelyn asked.

"I'm only working under instructions. Mr Hunt told me that no one goes there except him."

"Oh.. I see," Kaelyn said as she turned around. In her mind, she began to wonder what was so special about that room so she returned to his bedroom.

When she stood before him once again, she took a deep breath before speaking. "Master, I had no plans of going to a certain area of this mansion but when May saw me getting close, she told me that I'm not allowed to go there and that was your instruction."

"Of course," he said. "That's a private room."

She narrowed her eyes as she thought about it. "I wonder what could be inside that room."

"What I keep in that room shouldn't bother you in any way. Make this the only time you ever ask me about it, alright?"

She looked down and nodded.

Bothered by the fact that May mentioned it, she wondered if anyone else had ever said the same thing to her, for she had no recollection of such a moment.

"I've decided that you'll no longer perform at the circus," he said.

Her head shot up with wide eyes. "Master? You can't be serious." Her heart started racing.

"I am."

"Is it because I ruined that performance?"

"Don't question my decision."

"I just need to know."

"You won't be a performer anymore and that's all you need to know."

She shook her head. "But Master, I really liked p-"

"Hush, not another word about this. Listen to your master," he said as he dominantly looked into her eyes.

She felt herself submitting to him under his gaze, so she looked down. "Yes, Master."

"This is what's best for you. I don't want to punish you like that ever again. Such beauty doesn't deserve that treatment. It must only be treasured."

She couldn't wipe the smile off her face, but that was until a thought came to mind.

Apart from me, I wonder when he had last punished someone.

"A few months ago," he said.

Her eyes grew wide once again. "I didn't say anything."

"You didn't have to," he said. "You should know that by now."

"Then I wonder how many you punished before me."

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