Meanwhile, Carlos is thinking about what to do about Anna Patricia, who so far, has rejected all his overtures. He tells himself that it is time he had a one on one with her, and made her see things his way.

Meanwhile, Helena is in her office. She cannot help but think of how distracted, Carlos has been. She is sure, he is after Anna Patricia. She says that she cannot stand Clara, Anna Patricia, and Gina. She says that the three have gotten the Diaz men captivated. She adds that Carlos is only hers.

Later, in the evening, Hector and Anna Patricia go to visit John. They are in his room. He looks at both of them and asks them if they are okay. Anna Patricia, assures him that they are fine. John says he misses Gina, even though they talk every day on the phone. He says he cannot wait to see her again. Hector assures him that Gina misses him too and talks about him too, often. He assures John that as soon as the baby is a month old, she will be able to start visiting him again. Anna Patricia reminds him that Gina won't be able to come almost every day, as she did before because she has a young child to look after. John says he understands and says he is okay with that.

Over the next couple of days, Hector and Anna Patricia work together to get the DNA sample and take it for testing.

Meanwhile, Gina was restless, and Antonio could sense that, but he knew she would deny it if he asked her. Elsewhere nothing much, changes, as Isabella's disdain for the baby grows.

On Friday, Hector is to go for the results. It was decided that he should go and then take the results to Clara and Ramon's house, from where they would be opened, for purposes of secrecy and privacy.

Antonio watches Gina, in the morning. He can tell she is anxious. He doesn't really want to bring up the topic of whatever she is hiding because it would only cause arguments.

During the night, at Clara and Ramon's house,

Clara, Ramon, Anna Patricia, Armando, Luisa, Martin, and Hector gather to open the envelope. Hector removes it and takes a deep breath. He says to himself, that he wishes his sisters were present during that moment. He then opens it and looks at it. His eyes become wider.

Back at Antonio's house, Gina is in Antonio's study with her son. She wipes away tears. She whispers to him that maybe he will get to experience what was so cruelly taken away from her and his uncle (her brother). She says that she really believes that John is her father, and tells her son that he will play with his grandfather.

Meanwhile, Clara reminds Hector that everyone is still waiting for the results. Hector says that they are positive. Everyone knew the truth, but hearing the confirmation was still powerful.

Meanwhile, Aranza and Aurelio, are at his (which is unofficially theirs, since Aranza spends a lot of time there anyway) house.

Meanwhile, Antonio has arrived back home, when Hector calls Gina. They are in his study. She rolls her eyes when she sees her brother's caller ID on her phone. She then tells Antonio, it's Hector, and she will be back shortly. After she leaves, Antonio asks himself what family secret it is she is keeping and then picks up his son. Gina asks Hector why he took so long to call her. Hector smiles and calling her little sister, tells her that even when they were children, she was always so impatient.

Gina asks her brother if he only called her to scold her.

He says he isn't that idle. Clara tells him to stop picking on his sister, or else he will have to answer to her. Even Gina smiles at that. Hector finally tells Gina that John is their father. She suspected it as soon as she saw the tattoo, but she is still overwhelmed by the intensity of her emotions. Hector calls her sis and asks her if she is okay. She says he knows her too well, for her to lie to him. She says she feels overwhelmed and emotional. He says that he understands how she feels. He says that they will talk the next day when he drops Adrianna over because that is a conversation they need to have face to face.

The next day on Saturday, Martin takes Emma over to Antonio's house, for the girls get together. Aurelio and Aranza are already there.

Meanwhile, Marianna and Isabella are having one of their own. Only their intentions aren't as noble. Isabella, says that they should drop the bombshell, all at once, and make sure it causes maximum impact.

Meanwhile, Hector arrives with Adrianna and their daughter. Aranza insists she has to hold the baby. Adrianna says she is just as stubborn as ever.

Meanwhile, Alejandro and Horacio have arrived at Marianna's house. They begin discussing the right time to drop the bombshell. Alejandro suggests starting by ambushing Adrianna and Gina when Hector and Antonio are at work with the news.

Back at Antonio's house, Hector says he'd like to talk to Gina before the guys leave. Gina tells him to follow her to the study.

Back at Marianna's house, Marianna says that they (Alejandro and Horacio) should then threaten them, with hurting, the children. She adds that Antonio's grandparents and Helena will put pressure on Gina and Antonio and on Hector and Adrianna leading to them breaking up. She then adds that Helena doesn't like, Martin's mother, Anna Patricia, which will make her dislike both Hector and Gina further. Isabella, Alejandro, and Horacio are all shocked at this last piece of information.

Elsewhere, Once Gina and Hector are inside the study and she locks it, he hugs his sister, and she starts crying. She says that she cannot believe that her greatest childhood wish is actually now real. He tells her that things, will be difficult and complicated, but they will get better. Gina then steps away from her brother and says that there are so many unanswered questions, most importantly, how their father survived such a tragic accident.

Hector says they probably will never know because it's been so many years, most of which their father spent mentally sick. Gina asks what they will do, about Aranza. She adds that Adrianna and Antonio did their best, but Aranza missed the love of a parent growing up, and they will have to tell her the truth at some point anyway. Hector agrees with her and says that it isn't the right time yet, but they will have to work out something, for their sister's sake. He says he knows what she feels, because, he feels, it too, the fear that as the lies get more complicated, with time, things will get worse.

HERNAN AND GABRIELA BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now