Chapter 28 - Suprise Appearance

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(Timothy's POV)

The familiar voice that says my name startles me, and I whip my head around to look at the person who spoke. Upon doing so, I see that it was Michael 4 who addressed me and is currently darting his eyes back and forth between me and the keypad I'm about to type into. 

Several thoughts are running through my mind, so I ask the one that sounds the most logical:

"What are you doing here?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that question?" He queries, his tone of voice seeming remiss. 

I don't want to answer his question, so I move around it by counter-attacking with another one. "Well, I was trying to do this without attracting attention, so you shouldn't be here unless you followed me or something."

Michael 4 sighed as he adjusted his position. "Alright, you got me. To make it short, I know why you're here."

"...Which is?"

"To find out what happened to who you probably know as the 'Outdated Failure' from the headphones you're looking for inside." Michael 4 told me, his expression deadpan. 

"...Oh, you have got to be kidding me!" I throw my hands onto my head in exasperation as Michael 4 watches plainly. I can't believe that this is the second time that someone's been onto me about this and that I haven't found out until it's too late!

When I manage to cool down, I begin to take the role of a detective interrogating his suspect and ask Michael 4 how long he knew about this.  

"The first time I caught on to what you were doing was around last week, I think. I was roaming around the halls about to head over to class when I heard a loud noise close by as if something-or someone-had been thrown at the wall. I sneak closer to see what's happening, and I see you being pinned onto the locker wall by none other than Michael X."

I begin to remember that very moment as Michael 4 retells it from his point of view. 

"I was about to intervene, but then I heard what Michael X had to say to you, and I decided to listen instead. I'll admit, I was surprised that you were able to wring some answers out of Michael X without him knowing at first. Too bad he realized your trick and threatened to make you disappear like...Well, you know who."

"If you witnessed all that around last week, how come you're only talking to me about it now?"

"After Michael X threatened you, I was going to check on you, but he was walking towards me, so I had to scram before he saw me. Despite what he told you, I doubted that you were going to stop investigating this. So, from that point on, I've been keeping tabs on what's been happening around you to make sure nothing serious happened to you. However, when I saw you today heading in the direction of the storage room, it hit me that you were going to open it while Cobs was gone. And so, I followed you, and here we are. Any other questions?" 

I'm speechless as to how much Michael 4 has to say, but as I'm about to ask him another question, he speaks again.

"Good, because I need to tell you this quickly. I know that Michael X didn't stop you before, and I probably can't either, but you need to get your bag and leave as soon as possible."

"Why? Cobs already left a while ago, and I assume you're the only person who followed me."

"I'm not talking about Cobs! I'm talking about Michael X! How do you know for sure that he's oblivious to what you've been doing?" Michael 4's stern tone confuses me, but I quickly defend myself. 

"I know what I'm doing! I never looked for clues during school and only researched for anything about the 'Outdated Failure' from my apartment! If X hasn't acted on his threat by now, I'm sure that he isn't onto me anymore." 

Michael 4 seems to show a hurt expression at the mention of the 'Outdated Failure.' "You do know that isn't his real name, right?"

My tone softens as I ask the question: "Well, what was his real name?" Michael 4 pauses before he answers my question.

"3GS. Michael 3GS. That's his name." Upon saying his name, Michael 4 seems more calm, as if recalling a fond memory. However, as quickly as it had appeared, his calmness was replaced by a serious tone. "But are you absolutely sure that he doesn't know what you're doing?"

"Wh-Why do you care? In fact, when have you ever cared about me or my well-being? Because you sure as bloody hell never showed it before! For a year, I had to deal with you treating me like I was nothing to you while I did everything humanely possible to get you to notice me and my efforts in helping you run your reality show!"

As Michael 4's about to respond, I don't let him finish. "It wasn't until you 'fired' me that I realized how selfish you are. Sure, you say that you're different from the rest of the Meeples, but in reality, you are just as horrible as the rest of them." Michael 4 responds to this with an emotion I haven't ever heard from him before. 

"You have no idea what it was like back then with him. You don't know what 3GS had to go through just to-"

"What? Deal with you shoving him to the side and treating him like nothing? Or perhaps being sent off to get something you'll never appreciate? Because if that's what I had to go through, I feel even worse for him."

This makes Michael 4 quiet as his angered expression melts away replaced with shock from my outburst. Within seconds, his eyes begin to water as he reaches out for me. "Timothy-"

I step back, refusing to hear what he has to say. Instead, I quickly grab my bag and make a run for it before I can begin another outburst all over again. I don't stop until I reach the door of my apartment as I turn the knob. 

When I open the door, I step in to be greeted by the sight of Matt about to go back to his room. Once he looks at me, Matt knows something's wrong. He gives me a considerate glance as he approaches me, presumably for a hug. 

I then fall into his embrace as tears begin leaking from my eyes. Before I know it, I'm being embraced by Matt in the space between the door and the rest of the apartment as I sob into his shirt. It's a rather pathetic display, but I'm not complaining. 

Eventually, my mind feels hazy as I feel myself being beckoned by sleep. I wearily close my eyes and lean into Matt's embrace, his warmth being the last thing I feel before I drift asleep. 


Sincerely, Creative Stream

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