Epilogue - Movie Night

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(Michael 4's POV)

I smirk in Timothy's direction as he takes hold of the remote and begins the horror movie I picked out, "Death by Ice". It's a pretty mediocre movie from what I've heard, but I managed to learn about the plot beforehand and when the main jumpscares are going to pop up - I even sat through them without flinching - so I'm not surprised by anything. 

...Okay, so I may have not watched all the online clips of the movie's jumpscares, but I can just excuse myself to the bathroom whenever I think one's coming up, then proceed to hear the sound of me getting 10 bucks when Timothy screams!

I freeze when I realize I've thought about something positive and playful, something not annoying involving Timothy. I have gotten so used to being irritated around Timothy that it feels almost unnatural when I think about doing something nice, whether it's with or for him. 

I'm still getting used to having him as a friend and not an assistant, especially after how I used to treat him. I'm sure I don't deserve it - in fact, I'm still shocked he even bothered to forgive me after what I put him through. 

Before my thoughts can spiral further, Matt comes in with snacks of chocolate chip cookies and popcorn, my mouth almost watering at the sight.  

"Hey Matt! We just started the movie, but you didn't miss anything," Timothy said as he took the snacks from him and placed them on the table in front of us. "That's good," Matt replied as he sat next to Timothy on his side and the movie's first scene began to play. 

From what I've watched in the clips, this movie starts with a few teenagers planning to go ice skating in the middle of the night - which, by the way, is a dumb move - where when they start getting on the frozen lake, the ice begins the crack. By the time they're all on the lake and notice it, the ice already breaks in front of them, and they fall in.

As we're watching this, I look over to Timothy with a smirk. "So, Timothy, how are you feeling so far? Getting scared yet?"

"You wish! The movie's just started. Are you really that eager for a few dollars?"

"No. I'm only eager to have gloating rights for the next week or so," I respond, taking a chocolate cookie in hand. 

A few minutes pass, and as the all teenagers are present on the ice, the sound of ice cracking and a monstrous sound is heard - 

Wait! I never heard that sound in the clip I was watching!

...So maybe I didn't watch the entire clip but skipped to the comments section to learn about it instead. You'd be scared if you saw it too!

Speaking of being scared, I glance at Timothy's direction from the couch. He seems a bit nervous, but mostly unfazed by what's going on. 

We all sit there in silence, waiting in anticipation for what happens next. I look away for a moment to snag another cookie when a loud and blood-freezing screech followed by agonizing screams interrupts the palpable silence, causing me and everyone else to shriek. 

When we did this, I stumbled back (with my cookie in hand) onto my position on the couch while Timothy, whose scream shook Matt, made both of them cling to each other tightly.

When the scene is over, Matt takes the remote and pauses the movie as we all process what happened. 

"HA!" I yell in triumphant victory. "You screamed so loud, I'm pretty sure you made someone go deaf."

"What are you talking about? I heard you scream too!" Timothy countered as he released his grip on Matt. 

"I believe it's fair to say that you both screamed. Therefore, for the bet placed, neither of you would have to give your money to the other," Matt concluded, letting go of Timothy as well.

A moment after the ordeal was over, a knock was suddenly heard on the door of the apartment. Matt went up from his spot to unlock the door to be greeted by Terrence and Nicolas. 

"Hey guys," Terrence said as his eyes scanned the room from where he was standing. "Did you happen to hear someone screaming a few minutes ago, or was the movie you were watching too loud for you to hear that?"

"Dude, it obviously couldn't be them who screamed!" Nicolas interjected with a stern voice. "It has to be a girl, I'm sure of it! No boy could scream as loud and high as she did!"

"Guys, I think whoever screamed had to have done it from this side of the hallway!" Bryson said from outside, Nicolas following behind him. 

"Well, guess I'll see you guys around," Terrence muttered as he closed the door and followed the other two. Once they all were far enough, the three of us started laughing hysterically at Nicolas' comment.

"Dude, I cannot believe you screamed that high-pitched! Were you really that scared?" I manage to say through my snickering. 

"N-no I wasn't! I'm pretty sure that c-came from you!" Timothy wheezes out, still recovering from the moment. 

Matt doesn't intervene, he only continues to chuckle as we all quiet down. Eventually, Matt excused himself, leaving me with Timothy to speak up. 

"You know, you're not as bad as you think you are," He says, readjusting himself to fix his position on the couch. "I mean, you weren't great in the past, but that's behind us now."

I let out a dry chuckle as he said that. "Well, I don't deserve the compliment, but thanks."

"No, really! You've gone through a lot at a young age, and to be honest, it's kind of nice getting to hang out with you again - like this, I mean."

A shared moment of silence passes between us before Matt comes back and starts the movie from where we last left off. I'm not fully watching it, but rather thinking deeply instead. 

I know that Cobs is still going to be on my case for a while, and there isn't much I can do about it now. But, looking at Timothy and Matt, I think I'll be fine. Who knows? Maybe opening up isn't such a bad thing after all.

Refocusing my attention back on the movie, for the first time in a while, I finally feel content with myself and the world...that is, until some character (I forgot their name) lets out a blood-curdling scream, causing the rest of us to do the same and annihilate our throats in the process. 

Remind me to never watch this movie again. 

Sincerely, Creative Stream

Hey guys! Cannot believe I let this wait until December, but there's been a lot going on! There's going to be a final Author's note that'll get posted soon (hopefully), so be on the lookout for that. 

May you have a Merry Christmas and a great day/night!

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