Chapter 11 - (Attempting to find) Answers

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(This is going to pick up right where we left off, so there are no time-skips today, Timothy's POV)

As we descended the stairs, I decided to be the first to start our conversation.

"Speaking of which, when did you become part of the school committee in the first place?" I asked as we went down the stairs.

"Sometime after high school started. The already existing committee wanted me to join because of how well I did in middle school." Matt informed me as we walked through the halls. In no time, we were almost at the entrance.

We both bid goodbye to Mr. Jasper at the front desk before going out. As the doors opened, I felt some wind brush itself over my body as it passes by. It feels cold but in a refreshing way. We both stop for a second to let it pass, then we move forward to continue our discussion.

"So, how is everything going at the committee meetings?" I ask.

'Okay, I suppose. Most of the complaints have been about the other meeples causing disturbances & whatnot. Other than that, I think everything's going okay. By the way, are you up to anything?" He queried as we walk through the park pathway.

"Erm, not really. I've wanted to try and improve my technology skills, but I've been busy with homework. Speaking of, I wanted to thank you for helping me with The Graphing method in Algebra."

"You mean the one I showed you the week before?"

"Yeah! I didn't understand it before, but thanks to you, I've been able to do it perfectly! It's been helping me a lot when doing Algebra homework." I reply with a hint of happiness.

"It's no problem." He says back while we both look at the scenery around us.

Plenty of trees are all around us, all with shades of green and large leaves. As the wind went by, you could see them sway to it. The sky is a darkish blue with some clouds scattered across it. On the pathway, some fallen leaves are spread onto it while the wind makes them twirl around, like debris in a mini-tornado.

While we both are walking, I spot a bench not too far from us. It's green, with worn-down paint & enough room for the 2 of us. Matt notices it too, and we both go to sit down. Once we do, I decide to continue the conversation.

As I'm about to speak, I remember what I was describing in my notes. "Hey Matt, Has there ever been any Meeple other than Michael 4 & 4s?"

Matt's confused. "What do you mean?"

I continue. "I mean, Has there ever been a Meeple older than Michael 4?"

"Well, one of Cob's first creations was made in his family garage-"

"No, I mean a sentient creation just like you and Michael 4, but older."

Matt blinked at me, trying to figure out the answer to my question. "I may have to check back with you for that. However, what made you so intrigued about this?"

I position myself on the bench to look at the sky before me & the other people near the park. "Well, I was just thinking: Michael 4 wasn't Cob's first sentient creation, so what or who was? I know it's not you because you were made sometime after Michael 4 was, but it's still interesting to see what they would have looked like."

"I suppose it would have been," Matt replies as we both look at the sky before us, it being dark with a few stars in the sky. We both sit there in silence for some time, admiring the night sky & all its stars. After some time, Matt speaks up.

"Perhaps we should get going since it's almost nightfall," Matt says as we both get up. I nod, and we make our way back to our apartment.


The apartment door creaks as I open it for us. "Goodnight Matt, I'll see you in the morning," I say tiredly as I head to my room and rub my eyes. That walk tired me out, & I'm just about ready to go to sleep.

While I'm about to head over to the washroom, I notice my notepad on my desk & my phone.

Hold on. Did I forget to bring my phone with me? Then again, I probably did.


After doing my bedtime routine, I'm just about to collapse on my bed until my phone turns on. Curious, I pick it up to see many notifications from the chat group I unwillingly joined at the start of the school year.

✨The Entire School

Gossip Girl #1: And then OJ just LEFT me there😡! I mean, he should have at least given me a💋first!

Gossip Girl #2: Sorry about that girl! I guess he just doesn't recognize what he's missing out on 😑

Kevin the Jerk: Wow, what are YOU guys doing up late?

Gossip Girl #2: Y 'now, the usual 💅

Gossip Girl #1: Say, what are You doing up at this hour?

Kevin the Jerk: Um, DEFINITELY not watching Dora, that's what

What if these guys could help me with the question Matt couldn't answer earlier? Reaching for my phone, I then get ready to ask my question to them. Who else would know the answer to this than the contestants from season one of Inanimate Insanity?

Wire Luver: Hey guys, have you ever seen/heard of a sentient Meeple older than Michael 4 or 4s?

Kevin the Jerk: No not rlly. Why?

Gossip Girl#1: No, I haven't

Gossip Girl #2: Me either🤷‍♀️

Wire Luver: Oh, Ok then

I sigh as I turn my phone off and lay down on my bed. How come not even these guys know anything about this? It seems weird that a sentient Meeple older than Michael 4 or 4s wasn't made. I mean, Michael 4 wasn't the first one, right?

The night sky illuminates itself through my bedroom window as my eyes start to close. Maybe tomorrow I'll find more answers...


Sincerely, Creative Stream

Hey everyone! I apologize if it's been a while since I last posted. It might take even longer for me to upload these chapters since I have school coming up soon. Hopefully, I'll be able to do this every week or 2, but it's hard to know for sure.

Other than that, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, & be sure to vote and comment if you can!

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