"Another?" Benedict took his teacup and began making his way to the open seat next to his wife. "I'm assuming you mean to accompany Lizzie?" Eloise scrunched her nose at her brother as he sat down.

       "Eloise" Violet turned to her daughter "I shall need your help today. There is the dinner to plan with Lady Danbury to welcome the Sharmas into the family" Eloise began to pack up her things and rose "And then there is the engagement ball next week" 

       "I am sorry Mama but I am attending a lecture this afternoon. Flower arranging" Everyone in the room looked slightly started by Eloise's words "Penelope's mama is forcing her to go and you wanted me to find more ladylike pursuits" She placed her placed on the table.

       "Very well then" Violet sighed as she now looked to the oldest woman in the room, Elizabeth. "Perhaps Lizzie, you could-"

        "I'm afraid I am going to have to stop you there Mother" Benedict cut in as he rose from his set and took her hand "I have not spoken to Lizzie about my day at the academy yet and she is in need of a rest" Elizabeth looked to Benedict and nearly grinned but instead she took his hand and stood up.

       "I guess you are right..." Violet pondered "Well then" She smacked her hands together and looked to Hyacinth "Would you like to join me?" "Oh please!"

      "Thank you" Elizabeth sighed as she plopped down in their bed "I don't think I could handle a single wedding preparation right now" She slumped her shoulders forward and began loosening her stay. 

      "You look exhausted" Benedict anxious commented as he bent down in front of her and took her hands.

       "I am fine Benny, if there is anyone who is tired it should be you" Benedict shook his head "You have been dealing with too much for me to be told that painting all day is tiring" She let out a short laugh, "Benedict I am serious" 

       "And I am too" Benedict urged "You have been single-handedly keeping your family together whilst trying to create a new one" He pushed their hands against her stomach "Within a month we will have a child of our own and even less energy than we do now and I need to make sure you are ok"

       "And I told you I am fine" She answered but he refused,

        "You don't sleep, you don't smile, and you don't even paint anymore. So tell me why must I believe your words? How must I continue knowing that you could be taken from me the same way your mother was taken from you?" The pure look of worry in his eyes made guilt riddle her body and she forced her lips into a frown.

       "Benedict..." She hushed as she ran her hands through his hair and rested them on his cheeks, "I am sorry I have worried you so I did not notice" He closed his eyes and pressed into her "But now everything has died down and I promise I will not stress of it another minute" Benedict popped his left eyes open.

       "And you won't go out on silly little trips anymore" She softly smiled "No, not anymore. Not until the wedding at least" He smiled and shot up as his worry washed away and placed a kiss on her lips "Good because I need my favorite critic on top of her game and I cannot seem to get this sketch down" He spun back to his portfolio, as smiled gain at his excitement as she finished unlacing her undergarments "Take a look" He held out his piece which was a charcoal figure drawing of a man with a Grecian robe on. She took in the drawing for a moment, giving it a double glance until she realized what the problem was.

        "You've drawn the torso too long it should end around the wrist and I think you should add more shadows to emphasize the folding of the fabric" Benedict sat beside her, his eyes eagerly following her hands as she pointed out the improvement he could make. And it made him swell with joy. He had Elizabeth all to himself for the next four weeks and he intended to make their last days before parenthood as exciting and fulfilling as their previous eleven months of marriage. 

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