Douma's POV

I could tell it was awkward with the both of us shirtless and in a fairly small closet. Well, at least he was the one who felt unpleasant like this. I was completely fine with the somewhat tight space we were confined in. "Ah- let's just go pack a bag with the stuff and pick up Gyutaro and Ume." He hastily squeezed out of here, picked up a half the portion of items on the bed, and got ready to pack. I followed along, doing the same as him. We got the bag ready and almost got out of the apartment before I interrupted the both of us, stopping at the front door. "Should we.. cover up first? I wouldn't want anyone to gawk at a body like yours~" I teased him, like always. But I was being truthful here! "..Go find shirts for the both of us.. And if anything it's your figure that you should be worried about.." He muttered the last sentence, I couldn't quite get an idea on what he said but I quickly got some shirts for us to wear. We both tossed on our clothing tops and exited out of the apartment complex.

Akaza's POV

We entered in Douma's pearl-colored Hyundai, he was driving because he teases me about being a 'bad driver'. I know he is just joking but that's a somewhat stretch from the truth. Well.. I did crash my car two times on purpose because of road rage but it was the others fault for being stupid— keyword: on purpose! I didn't do it on accident because I'm bad at driving.. but Douma doesn't seem to get it and always jokes about me being a reckless driver. "Hey I know you are pissed about me driving but.. you know what will happen if you direct the car~" He poked fun at me, once again. Quite literally too, he poked my cheek before he put on the buckle. My face grew flushed at him nudging his pointer finger on my cheek. After that, I also buckled my seatbelt and he started the engine of the car.


We came around the block where Gyutaro and Ume lived. They were waiting outside their two-story home where they stayed with their adoptive mother. She was a nice woman. We made it in time too, the siblings exited out of the door and they were already in swimming-wear. It was calm but suddenly, Douma rolled down the car window and yelled out, "HEY GYUTARO AND UME!! GET IN THE BACK!". Holy shit, that was humiliating. Even they both seemed embarrassed by the shouting, it was loud and probably disturbed some people in the neighborhood. "Oh my god, shut the fuck up Douma.." I buried my face in my hands, muttering that sentence in shame. The two entered in the back and seemed annoyed. Sometimes, I wonder how they deal with him.. even I think of that myself! "Ughh, just get driving to the beach! I need to upload photos of myself there fast or else my besties will think I'm boring and stay home all day..." Ume cried, going straight to her phone after that. "Yes ma'am~! Let's go now!" Douma exclaimed before changing the radio to summer-vibe music. He blasted the volume too, it was obnoxious but Ume and Douma seemed to love it. They both sang all the way to the beach. First time seeing her off her phone this time when he started playing the music. Despite how annoying it was, I smiled at how cute Douma was.


We made it to the beach, it was loaded with many families, couples, and friend groups. They all had fun both on the hot sand and the cool ocean. Ume was bothering her brother about how lively this place was. When we parked somewhere, we all exited out of the car and took the bag full of beach stuff. Ume was the first to get to the beach, quickly snapping a photo of her on her phone to post on Instagram. Do all 13 year olds act like that..? Is it not embarrassing or something? Oh well, it didn't matter. We all went to the sand, away from the tide. Gyutaro set up the umbrella, sticking the pole deep in the sand. Douma got the sunscreen and put it all over his face and legs. Shortly after that, he took off the shirt he was wearing and lathered sunscreen all over his torso and arms. He took up half of the basically empty bottle already. "You don't need that much, you know that right?" Ume called out to Douma who watched him put sunscreen all over his body. "His skin is, in a way, sensitive to the sun. But it's unbelievable how much he put." I answered to Ume, even when she never spoke to me. "Oh, okay then. Just make sure next time we do this, bring him his own bottle of sunscreen!" She ran to the bag, finding another full bottle. She asked Gyutaro to help her put the sunscreen on her back. Douma looked at me, grinning as he walked up to me. "Hey, how about I help you put on the sunscreen~?.. Except.. all over you..!" He whispered, knowing him and what he would do, I didn't let him. I only allowed him to do my back for me. "No.. I will only let you put some on my back." I told him while crossing my arms. He nodded and waited for me to take off my shirt. I put on some sunscreen on my face, legs, and arms.

Douma's POV

That took a long time! Being the impatient man I am, I was the one who had taken off Akaza's shirt. "Hey! I only allowed you to put sunscreen on my back, not you taking off my shirt!" He yelled, seeming embarrassed with me doing so. But I do that most of the time in certain scenarios, why not now? Is it because we are in public? It didn't bother me well enough for me to care so I just laughed it off as I waited for him to finish putting on the sunscreen on his body. He turned around and showed his back to me, indicating that it's time for me to put some sunscreen on his back. I took my time which annoyed him! I adored it when he is like that, but it was a matter of time before he had to make me hurry. "If you don't move quicker then I swear to god I will shove a fist up your ass!" He muttered angrily, showing the clenched up fist in question. Wanting to joke around with him more even if he got annoyed, I told him, "But what if I'm into that?" I smiled innocently after saying something like that to put the cherry on top of this. Gyutaro and Ume were near to hear our 'conversation'. "Gosh, don't say stuff like that in public! That was sort of loud too y'know.." Ume said with embarrassment in her voice. It's like other people heard but I doubt that! "She has more brains than you, and you are old enough to be a young father." After Gyutaro said that, he patted Ume on the head and motioned her to do anything now. She did as he gestured, going to play in the water like a 7 year old. "Oh come on~ I'm just playing with him!" "I don't think he cares, let's just do beach stuff before it gets too boring." Akaza told me, nodding to his suggestion as a reply. Before we could go in the water, a group of girls who seemed 17-18 all went over to me. They were practically drooling over me, all of them asking for my phone number. I couldn't even get a word out of me without one of the girls interrupting me. This was fairly embarrassing, especially that this was happening in front of Akaza, the guy I truly loved more than anyone! Now worrying about how he was probably thinking about this, I glanced over my shoulder to him. He had a sour appearance now, he always did that when he felt jealous. I felt bad but really I did like the attention. But I couldn't think about how much these girls are giving me, I need to think about him! "So sorry ladies, but I am taken already~! You guys can give up now that I have said that.." To my surprise, all that did was cause a riot of more talking from the girls. "Is she really that pretty?" "Just break up with her, she couldn't be that good looking!" Similar comments and questions stormed at me. Not only dod they want me to break up with him, they all are assuming that I am dating a woman! I felt a tug on my hand, seeing that it was Akaza's hand that did, I waited for him to talk. "Can we get out of here.. please.." He whispered to where only I heard and not the girls. "Okay, let me do something first!" I whispered back before picking him up bridal style in front of the women. "Sorry once again! But I have.. 1 or 2 hours here so I will make it worth it! Bye bye now!" I smiled at all of them before landing multiple kisses on Akaza's cheek. They all looked shocked, most of them looking guilty that they were trying to wow a gay man! It was sad seeing them disappointed, but what made that better was Akaza's flustered face. I placed him down on the sandy floor, right near the tide where we could now swim in the cool beach water.

^ One-shot - END ^
{Words: 2510}

Author's Note: so sorry for leaving you guys on chapter eight! i lost motivation but here i am writing for you guys now! i promise chapter nine is coming, its in the works right now and i also took some suggestions! thank you for almost 1.5k reads! i never knew this would get reads in the first place so thank you all 😭🫶
(also i didnt know what to do for the rest of the one-shot so i ended it there, sorry!

"What is this feeling..?" - Douma x AkazaWhere stories live. Discover now