Thirty Four

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"Have you guys had sex yet?"

My mouth dropped open, quite literally, at such a bold partially true statement.

"God Blair no, okay this conversation is getting a little weird now," I stammered, desperately trying to think of something to avert any further topics linking to lovemaking. "How's the weather for you?"

Someone needed to slap me.

"Av, you do know the hospital I'm staying at is barely an hour's drive away from you right?"

"Sorry, I just feel like I'm slowly going insane without you."

She sighed on the other end of the line, initiating therapy talks with Blair Hale was truly a humbling, yet comforting decision and feeling to experience.

"Listen Av, in all honesty, you have every right to go insane considering what you just told me about everything that's been going on," she went on slowly. "Just give yourself time, despite how much amazing help I give to you because I'm genuinely an icon, you need to remember to offer yourself more credit."

The Hale siblings were much more similar-minded than I thought since the advice I had received from each of them was almost identical.

"I really needed that Blair, thank you for always being there for me and god I miss you so much, what time are you coming tomorrow?"

"Early morning hopefully, my parents are slow drivers so don't be surprised if I arrive at noon," we laughed together before continuing to talk for another half hour going over upcoming retail sales and summer outfits. It was the middle of winter.

After hanging up, I immediately decided to have a warm shower and get ready for tomorrow.

Throwing off my clothes, I played my Spotify playlist before silently moaning at how good the water felt, I had been so on edge that even taking a shower stopped being enjoyable after the events that had taken place this past week.

My mind recollected me and Kiro's 'moment' a few days ago. It really wasn't a big deal Av, he just subtly told you he wasn't interested in having sex with you.

Okay, my mind has a way of twisting things, he said that purely out of consideration for my behalf which I appreciated deeply but the tiny stubborn, insecure part of me felt ashamed for even bringing it up.

I had never cared about the hype or somehow the importance of losing your virginity, but after Jasmine mentioned that she was his first, it triggered something inside of me.

Jealousy? Anger?

I knew she could have been potentially lying but a part of me had a strong feeling she wasn't. Kissing Kiro told me enough about his experience with girls, something about Jasmine being his first didn't sit right with me, she had never even brought him up before and we would spend most of the time together so why had I never caught them?

Stop thinking Aviana, rumours are contagious and almost always not true.

Leaning my head back as I rinsed away the conditioner from my hair, I reaffirmed to myself it wasn't a big deal. I was probably just ovulating.

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