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Three years later

"Aviana wake up."

Her eyes shot open, she gasped for air desperately.

"What the hell Jasmine," her best friend laughed as she shoved her playfully.

"I'm kidding i'm kidding, no but for real you better hurry up and get dressed, we're gonna be late again."

She rolled her eyes annoyingly at her friend, quickly hopping out of bed and into the shower. With her eyes closed, she allowed the cool water to glide down her tanned skin. Thanks to the recent heat waves, she was able to get slightly tanned during summer break. But of course, school is never ending, as much to her dismay.

"How the hell are we seniors already, it doesnt make sense I mean, I remember starting Freshman year like it was yesterday!"

"Cant be possible, I dont know how i've put up with you for that long," The two laughed as they drove to their highschool which wasn't that far.

Cold winds brushed through the trees nearby, autumn was close by. After making their way inside, the two friends compared their new timetables.

"What's your first period Av?"

"Um, oh AP English, don't you have geometry?" Aviana smirked at her friend, knowing she hated anything to do with Maths.

"Shut up and dont rub it in," her sarcastic voice was laced with amusemnt. "So i'll see you back at break then, bye."

Aviana watched her friend leave, turning around, she made her first stop towards her locker.

Her hand shuffled around inside until she took ahold of what she needed, the packet was crinkled, secretly popping two into her mouth, she swallowed them dry, she had gotten used to not using water.

Throwing the packet back into her locker, she trudged towards her class, oblivious to the pair of eyes watching her from across the hallway.

She made sure to sit at the back, it was easier for her to concentrate and she felt more comfortable not being the centre of attention.

"Hello seniors, I'm Miss Grange, anyone who isn't supposed to be here right now, please leave."


I really wanna leave.

Before starting on the essay that we were assigned, I immediately did my breathing techniques that my therapist taught me a couple years ago. Since it was the first day of school, I had to be prepared just in case. Pursed lip breathing was my personal favourite, four in, four out.

I hadn't had a panic attack outbreak since sophomore year, thankfully. Although I was always cautious to avoid getting into one, prevention is better than cure after all.

As my mind melted into the wonders of Shakespear-I love classic books- the side of my head was attacked by a small paper ball, scrunched up with writing peaking out from the inside.

I turned around confused, a black-haired girl stared back at me, her hazel eyes wide with anticipation. She looked down at the paper ball, and back at me.

Why would she throw this at me?

I didn't exactly have many friends.

I carefully read its contents.

meet me after school outside the main reception.

My eyebrows furrowed, I nodded awkwardly back at her before paying attention to the nagging voice of Miss Grange. That was weird.

"Alright class, before you leave I would like you all to-"

Her voice was cut off by the classroom door opening, all eyes shifted towards the tall figure standing before it, holding a sheet of paper.

His head just about reached the door frame, as my eyes gazed down, I noticed his hands incredibly huge as they gripped the piece of paper firmly, his chiselled jawline tightly tensed while his cold, hazel eyes shot bullets through everyone's head while he scanned the room.

As his gaze passed my own, I visably gulped, hoping he didnt notice. His eyes had gotten darker since last time.

I still looked at him as the fourteen year old troubled boy, only ten times bigger than he used to be.

Meaning down below must be- god Aviana stop.

"AP English Lit, right?" His voice was deep yet sinfully smooth.

"Late already and its only the first day, take a seat Kiro." Miss Grange eyed him carefully as he confidently strode to his seat in the middle, some people flinched as he came closer, others stared in astonishment.

Since when did he do AP English?

Everyone watched him with wide eyes, shocked about his return. It had been a year since everything had happened. Since he had left.

He could easily pass as a member of the mafia. Or possibly the boss's son? I need to stop reading so many fanfics.

Funnily enough, his house was relatively close to the school yet since Freshman year, he was always late. Probably finished abducting someone, a young girl perhaps, around my age who he allows in his secret gang and they eventually fall in love and get married- what the hell is wrong with me.

I coughed lowly before continuing on my essay, my attention occasionally going back to the mafia story every once in a while.

At break, I looked around for Jasmine. My only friend really.

We met at our local mall, both our hands grabbed onto the piece of clothing at the same time, well my hand was technically on it first. Anyway, beside the point, we tackled on the ground, frantically pulling on the shirt until we were escorted politely out by security.

I guess after that we ended up buying each other a meal as truce, from there we just clicked really. Not to mention she told me we were in the same school, yet I'd never seen her before then.

Oh and neither one of us got the shirt at the end and we may or may not be banned from that store until the day we die.

As I turned to head to the cafeteria, a hand gripped my arm, I almost passed out there and then. I didn't manage to see their face, only their hoodie that looked strangely familiar.

"What are you doi-" Their hand covered my mouth and immediately my vision blurred.

I guess the mafia story is indeed coming true.


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