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"He's changed, mom."

"Mmm, I've seen that. It's because of her isn't it?"

It most definitely was.

Growing up in a household that lacked a parental figure always seemed fun when I was younger, now that I'm laying here in a hospital bed with my mom and dad constantly around me, it felt as though I had regained a piece of normality that I was deficient of from my entire life.

I truly felt at home with them, you can completely see it in a person's face when they're content in their lives, with those around them. I could see that in my brother.

And it was all because of her. My Av.

The first thing my brother had said to me when he sat down beside me near my hospital bed was how at ease I looked, despite my under eyes being hollow and lips being cracked because makeup had become a myth since I had been here, it was all because of being around my parents for the first time in years. I was finally at home when they were around me.

The words were wanting to spill from my lips.

"I've never seen you this at ease before either until you met Aviana."

I didn't say that though, I smiled instead before making a joke about how teary his eyes were when he first saw me.

He laughed but it's very amusing to watch your brother who always claims to 'never give a shit about you' cry when they see you injured.

I had made several bets to myself to see if Kiro would take on such tasks just for Aviana, I always won each bet. And I even won today, I told myself that Aviana would definitely not be dropped home alone or with my parents today, but with my brother. And I knew that it would be his decision.

A snigger left my lips when it happened, watching them leave together I quietly cheered myself on for always being right with my predictions. I wanted to chuckle even more watching him get her bag for her.

"I haven't seen him act like that ever before," my mom spoke after they had left.

"Forget that, I didn't even know he did relationships, you know how he is," my dad added, they both clearly hadn't seen him in these past few months as I did.

My mind wandered back to when we were younger, I was genuinely raised by Ki and since we were little we had always had a tight bond.

Many people thought we were twins, especially when we were in middle school since we were similar in height and I suppose our features were quite the same too. Unforuntualy.

Not to mention we did everything together and were always close to each other. Ki was indeed the protective older brother you see in movies and books, a lot of my friends were jealous that I had a brother like that when I was younger, but I preferred that reason for jealousy over it now since most of my girls currently wished that he was their brother.

For god knows what reason.

Everything used to be fun until the last year of middle school, it was like a switch flipped in him. He changed and suddenly it became a permanent thing.

When our parents did eventually visit during the holidays, they would pass his behavior as a teenage issue and simply disregard it even though they also had a potentially bad feeling about his actions.

He was cold and distant and he wasn't home much which was a big dismay for my parents since they needed someone to look after me, he was only a year older than me but I suppose he was meant to be the 'man of the house', very patriarchal if you ask me.

When high school started it had gotten worse, we all knew it was becoming an actual problem when the police had gotten involved.

I had crept down the stairs to listen to what they were saying, hearing the word 'murder' was all I needed to gather a perspective on him.

I still to this day am not sure what his situation is, if or if he isn't involved in anything dangerous.

All I'm assured of is how confident I am in knowing that he isn't a murderer or whatever people claim he isto be, he isn't a bad person. I'm sure of it because I grew up with him, I can see it in his eyes and now that Aviana is here, he's changed.

His gaze is softer, his presence isn't so heavy and I know that he has broken down his wall just for her, but everyone else is able to see how his demeanor is different now, perhaps he isn't aware of it himself.

It was almost surreal seeing the change in character from before he had met her, he would tell me often whenever I joked about coupling him up with one of my girls that he doesn't do relationships and probably never will.

I used to believe him because I couldn't imagine someone as bleak as him being able to love someone else or let someone love him, it upset me especially since I really wanted nieces or nephews.

From the day Aviana came to our home and realized he was my brother, I could feel something was different, he was acting different and it was obvious but only to me since I was his sister.

Basically, his twin because I was positive we had some sort of telepathy occasionally.

I knew that he felt some way about her after I managed to get him to watch her at the first-semester cheer party she had gone to alone, any time one of my cheer girls went to a party alone I always wanted Kiro to check on them, and he never did until Aviana.

She somehow brought back the warmth in him, like she managed to fill a void that was left hollow during the years when he was distant.

He was home more often too now, just because she was at our house tutoring me, wherever she was, he was somehow also there. Slightly stalkerish but I suppose that's his creepy way of liking someone.

"Blair honey, the doctor's here to schedule your physical therapy sessions," my mom's voice sounded like an echo since I was so zoned out.

Looking down at my bandaged legs, reality hit me hard again making my stomach sink.

If they do get married, they better have a wheelchair section in every corner of the venue for me.


A/N: I am back! And from the bottom of my heart, I apologize for taking such a break, honestly, my life recently has just been at the library studying and now I would say I'm burned out to the core. But I really hope you all are happy and healthy and enjoyed this chapter! Let me know what you think of this surprise POV.

I wanted to mention that I do try and update as much as possible but since I'm starting uni in September, the pressure is really slapping me in the face right now and so is the will to continue working. But this novel is coming to an end soon so I will be grinding to complete it <3

I love you all and see you next time mwah

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