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"Shit Jas, I'm so sorry I completely forgot, I'll be a bit late but I will be there don't worry," I confirmed on the phone, quickly packing my bag, placing each Macbeth copy inside.

"Hey Av, I'm back with the goods, oh where are you going?"

I spun around meeting Blair standing at the door frame, two huge boxes of pizza in her hand. Of course I forgot to tell her too.

"Uh, Blair, shit."

"Wait, don't tell me your going to that cheer party tonight."

I widened my eyes, suprised she knew. Oh wait she was a cheerleader herself, I'm so stupid.

"My friend Jasmine, she joined your squad and um, she invited me tonight and I said yes, sorry I completely forgot to tell you."

I bit my lip nervously as she placed the boxes down.

"It's fine Av, don't worry about it, actually I have an idea," she smirked suspiciously, her and her brother weren't far off. "How do you feel if I got you ready."

Well that would probably end disastrously considering I was the most pickiest person you could ever meet, especially when it came to finding an outfit. Let alone someone pick an outfit for me.

"Um, okay."

"Okay sit down at my dressing table and I'm just gonna grab a couple of things," she ran off downstairs squealing, what made me so spontaneous all of a sudden?

It was now almost eight in the evening, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I was never fond of parties mostly because everyone either ended up getting completely wasted on the floor or making the second generation in any spare room they could find, including the backyard.

"It's way too tight Blair," I remained in front of the mirror while she tightned the zip, my organs crushed as she reminded me how pretty I looked.

Beauty is pain.

"You look, wow."

She turned me around so I was looking at my reflection in her king sized mirror, the bright, little fairy lights around the frame somewhat made me look, better.

I almost didn't recognise myself, my hair was loosely curled and cascaded down my bare back, the black, skin tight dress hugged my body so it managed to bring our my non existent curves.

I couldn't help but smile at the girl in the mirror. It definitely didn't feel like me.

"You should consider becoming a makeup artist," I chuckled, my attention going towards the pair of gorgeous, white shimmering heels Blair handed to me.

I looked at them doubtfully, my body was incapable of walking in heels yet I quickly strapped them on as Blair went downstairs saying she needed something.

After collecting my bag from her bed, I prepared myself to leave her room, incredibly self conscious for some reason. Whenever I was dressed up I always felt strangely embarrassed. Mabye I should just stay with Blair and watch a movie, that pizza she brought looked pretty good.

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