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She gasped for air, desperately holding onto the chair for dear life.

Everyone watched, some laughed in amusement, others were concerned for their classmate's wellbeing.

However, it was just a normal day for her. Many were used to her outbreaks, not including the thirteen year old boys in the class who found delight in watching their peer suffer.

Her teacher held her shoulders tightly in attempts to ground her down, and for comfort.

"Where on earth is Jasmine with the medicine?" The entire class watched their teacher blankly, not quite sure what to do.

A rattle was heard from the class door, a medicine packet was slid across the classroom floor from the gap underneath.

"Took Jasmine long enough," the teachers voice was panicked as she quickly bent down retrieving the packet, popping one into the girls mouth before handing her a bottle of water. She chugged the water fast so droplets fell onto her top, soaking the fabric completely.

The veins, strikingly bright from the tight grip she had on her chair, slowly eased in colour, her breathing became regular while her shoulders became less tense.

Murmers and whispers were fast to spread throughout the classroom, her teacher sighed in relief, she didn't know if she could handle to help her again in the future. Panic attacks werent easy to manage, certainly they would eventually start to occur less?

"How are you feeling now dear?" Her teachers soft voice calmed her down.

She swiftly nodded her head, finally taking her seat from standing up. Clutching onto the ends of her sleeves, she inhaled deeply, then exhaled before leaning her head against her right arm, her frizzy brown hair pushed aside so it tangled together into a messy ball.

"damn the semesters just begun and shes already started."

"what a weirdo."

"god isnt she embarrassed? i would just leave the school if i was her."

She was used to the rude remarks, after all, she had been having panic attacks since seventh grade. Not exactly the most common thing for twelve year olds to go through. She felt like an outcast, isolated in a situation no one else seemed to relate to.

"Alright children, please get out your Hamlet copies and turn to page thirty-two."

She shifted her attention towards the book in front of her, English was her favourite subject. In the midst of taking a breather, she flinched at the sudden sound, the rest of the class looked up with wide stares.

The class door once again rattled before opening, all eyes turned towards the noise, he stepped inside confidently, a smirk on his face.

"This is the third time in a row now Kiro, I will not tolerate your lateness any further. Detention after school," the teacher's hard tone clearly didn't bother him at all as he scoffed sharply.

His sharp green eyes scanned the room, momentarily stopping on her, his wet dark hair dripped the slightest onto the floor, his prominent jawline tensed strongly for a fourteen year old.

"Alright," he simply replied, strolling towards his seat carelessly, clearly loving the attention from the ogling, middle school girls that fawned over him.

He sat at the back with his feet up, chewing the end of his pencil as he gazed outside the window. His friends leaned towards him, hushed laughs came from their end. And she managed to hear everything.

"dude you missed her weird ass attack again."

"you should've seen her face man, the next conjuring star im guessing."

"man you always miss her paranormal attacks."

It'll get better, she told herself as she sunk into her seat, hoping to disappear forever.


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