you or me kills Terry

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It was now a Friday evening as school ended a few hours ago, Kacy was sat in the Gallagher house with Lip and Ian, they was waiting for Mandy to turn up so they can all go out to the Alibi for a few drinks. It is the only place they get served in this shit hole since they all underaged but since Kev and V own it they get free beer win win. The group had been waiting for Mandy for 20 minutes now

'where is she' questioned Lip who was looking at the time on his phone it read 6:50pm.

'I don't know let me try call her' I said

ring ring... ring ring... rinn 'hello' Mandy finally picked up after it ringing a couple times

'where you at hoe' I reply happily waiting for a response I could hear screaming in the background which was normal for the Milkovich's. But when Mandy sounded scared Kacy knew something was wrong.

'sorry I II just lost track of time and somethings hap'... Mandy went to say but was cut off by Kacy.

'You safe need me to come over' Kacy said scared

'yes please quickly' She replied as the line went dead.

'Ok quick lets go boys somethings happened' I replied jumping from the sofa running to the door. Ian and Lip didn't question they just jumped up and ran for the door too. As they arrived at the Milkovich door they saw Iggy, Mickey and Colin leave with guns practically running for they car. You could feel the heat leaving there body as they walked past the group. Kacy quickly shot Mickey a look as he walked past as he met her glaze with a smirk. Shaking her head out of it Kacy looked at the top of the Porch to see a very scared, timid and crying Mandy 


Kacy quickly pushed past the two Gallagher's stood there confused as to what is happening but Kacy knew she didn't even have to ask Mandy since they been friends since Kindergarten. She just  in braced  Mandy into a hug and held her tight. Mandy letting out hard sobs ' I tried to stop him mm I just couldn't' sobbing evening harder than before. ' It isn't your fault Mandy ill fucking kill him' Kacy replies holding her best friend tight. ' come on lets get you inside to bed want me to stay with you tonight?' Kacy asks her without saying a word Mandy just nods. 'ok ill be in in a sec ok you go get in the shower' Kacy says softly. With that Mandy went inside shutting the door behind her. 

Kacy heads down to the two Gallagher boys who have kind of figured out what is going on. 

' She ok' Ian said sadly 

'no Terry always gets to drunk and mistakes her for there mum and he... he rapes her' Kacy said  disguised ' That's why the boy's have gone out to look for him he usually goes out to get more pissed after ill stay here with Mands you two head home ill call if there's any trouble' Kacy shoots them a small sad smile before hugging the boy's and heading inside. 

Once inside she saw Mandy sat on her bed in her towel with her hair dripping, she helps Mandy get dressed, she brushes her hair whilst telling her none of it's her fault and she's ok giving her the most support she possible could. She let Mandy cry it all out on her lap before she ended up falling asleep there. Kacy gently moves her into her bed and tucks her up placing a Kiss on her forehead before heading out in the living room and sitting on the sofa. 

Kacy was sat on the couch for 20 minutes sipping a beef she grabbed from the fridge, she was staring into space pissed she wanted to kill Terry, how could he do this to her best friend. She was snapped out of thought by the front door swinging opening. not knowing who it was she picked up the gun on the table shot up and pointed it at the door. The back of her mind she hoped it was Terry so she could push the trigger and kill the monster of a man for once and for all. Unlucky for her as it was just the boys returning for a clearly unsuccessful search of they father by the pissed off looks on there face. 

'Shit Kac put it down its only us' Iggy said as he stopped in the door way with his hands up in defence. 

' Shit shit sorry' Kacy said throwing the gun back down before taking her seat again rubbing her hands over her face. 'Thought it was Terry so was lucky you was going to shoot' Kacy said Annoyed.

'We can't find him anywhere, You get her too sleep' Colin asked sitting next to Kacy on the couch.

'yeh took me an hour she was just sobbing I feel awful think I'm going to let her stay at mine for a bit' Kacy sighs drinking her now warm beer.

'Why would she need to she has us her to look after her' Mickey spat at her.

'Fuck off Mick why you always got to be the one to fucking start it was an offer' Kacy said glaring at him. 'And you aren't Mandy so why you answering for her ill ask her in the morning' she said quietly yelling as she didn't want to wake her

Kacy stood up and knelt in front of Mickey ' I get you want to look after her but it isn't safe for her here whilst Terry is around, She is staying with me until either YOU or Me kills Terry ok if not he's got to be put away for Mandy's sake.' Kacy sighs as she is rubbing Mickey's thigh in comfort

He sighs 'Ok fine but only for Mandy's sake' Mickey says pushing her Hand off and walking towards his bedroom slamming the door.

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