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The Millers- a Southside family. People usually run, cry, shiver or throw up when they see one of them. One of the worst families on the southside I wouldn't do anything to piss them off or go out of my way to start a fight with them. if you see a Miller DON'T and I mean DO NOT make eye contact you just quickly walk in a different direction. Or don't but don't say I never warned you...

The Milkovich's- they are known to be the scariest family of the south fuck even the west, north and fucking east side know the Milkovich's. They are street smart. not so much academically but give them points every single fucker in that house knows how to unload and reload and gun in like 2 seconds seriously do not cross a Milkovich unless you know you wanna die in the nicest way possible.

The Gallagher's -there not exactly a dangerous family but they are the most trashy family on the Southside seriously they have men and woman leaving that house every night or early morning... If you catch my drift. Anyways there is a fuck load of them too. parents must be breeders. one after the other. 

Kacy Miller~ Mickey MilkovichWhere stories live. Discover now