EW a westsider

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Mickeys POV:

I was sat on my bed confused still thinking of what to do when a very pissed off and annoyed Mandy walked into my room. ' The fuck you want Mandy' I scoffed at her.

'You plan on fixing the mess you fucking created, what the fuck is you issue Mickey all you had to do was write a few words down Asshole!' Mandy was practically screaming at me I get her point but ill never confess that to her. 

She sighed ' Mick don't you think this has gone on long enough now I mean it started when you were both 4 don't you think its time to grow up' she said sad I mean it is her best friend and brother fighting.

'fine ill sort it today' I huffed not happy about it at all

Mandy smiled ' thanks mick your the best!' she ran up to the short dark headed boy and hugged him tightly. Mickey just patted her back ' alright get the fuck off me now Asshole' he chuckled


It was the end of school and Kacy was walking back to the Gallagher's to hang with Ian and Lip if he wasn't with Mandy. Speaking of Mandy Kacy had heard nothing from her all day was she mad at her? was this fight Kacy's fault? questions ran threw her head but she was quickly knocked out of thought when Ian spoke up.

'So are you going to tell me what's happened to you now.' there was a pause 'I'm your best friend Kac you can trust me I won't tell a soul' He pulled his pinkie up for a pinkie promise.

'ugh fine' I said pulling my pinkie up to connect to his.' Milkovich happened' I rolled my eyes

'Shit you and Mandy got into a fight that isn't like you too' Ian said now shocked.

'No not Mandy' I said quietly not giving the tall boy eye contact.

' Mickey did this that asshole' Ian said now red in the face with anger. 

'yeh we kind of got into last night, don't worry I gave him a few marks too just caught me off surprise with his elbow' I said pointing at my nose which was black and swollen. 

'I'm going to kill that ass...' Ian started to say as I cut him off

'Hey don't worry about it I'm fine my brothers went to find him last night he wasn't in school today he's prob in a river somewhere' I giggled as we walked up the stairs to the Gallagher house. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mickey's POV:

'I've been to the L, the dugout, school, the alibi and her house she's nowhere to be seen' I say on the phone to Mandy panting as I was running everywhere.

'Maybe try the Gallagher's she usually is there it's Ian's day off they usually smoke and drink at his place' Mandy said on the line.

'Great why didn't you say that before dumbass' I said before hanging up and legging it to the Gallagher's house. Luckily I knew where it was as Mandy was dating Lip. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It was now about 9pm and I was sat in Ian's room with him, lip and Carl we was sat around drinking and smoking and Karl was talking about how he punched some kid at school.

' IT WAS AWSOME I PUNCHED HIM RIGHT IN THE EYE' Carl shouted in excitement

By now the older three was laughing at his pure happiness, can't blame him though punching someone is great. ' why you punch him' I asked curiously

'Forgot my lunch needed money' Karl shrugged ' he's some rich west sider any way's his  dad drives a tesla' Carl said rolling his eye's 

'eww a west sider good job buddy' Lip said proudly 

'yeh just don't let Fiona find out' Ian added 

10 minutes pass as we hear steps coming up the stairs and the door open all of there heads shot up to see someone they didn't expect to MICKEY.

Kacy Miller~ Mickey MilkovichWhere stories live. Discover now