"Doesn't sound very thorough," Gimli argued.

"We haven't got much else," Legolas said.

"We should have at least some other plan," Gimli insisted. "What if the elves take our weapons? What if they shove us in the dungeons as soon as we get in? What if–"

"They will indeed take our weapons," Legolas informed him patiently. "And if they put us in the dungeons, I know of a way out. I have guarded them for many years, I know my way around their locks."

Gilmi looked like he was about to argue some more, but Aragorn butted in quickly. "We'll take what we can get." He nodded to Legolas. "Let's go."

Legolas nodded and turned, leaping over the top of the hill to slide down towards the bridge. You followed, a lot less gracefully, and landed in a mess at the bottom. Legolas helped you up and pulled you out of the way just as Gimli came crashing down after you. Aragorn followed stealthily. Legolas motioned for them to follow, and he stood up straight and walked out into plain view on the bridge and began to approach the kingdom's gates. You, Aragorn and Gimli fanned out behind him. Two guards were positioned at the end, guarding the great doors. They stiffened when they saw the four of you, instantly raising their spears. Even though they were on the other end of the bridge, you could tell that their movements were hesitant, and maybe even a bit fearful. They were afraid of Legolas. Thranduil had sown lies into his soldier's minds.

Legolas held up his hands as he approached, showing he was harmless. That didn't help the guards, though, it just made them stiffen more from the sudden movement. They came to a halt before the two guards.

"I have come in peace," Legolas said. "I would like to request an audience with my father."

"You will find no welcome here, murderer!" the first guard snapped.

The second guard nudged him, and he shut his mouth with a snap. "Why are you here, Legolas?"

Legolas peered closer at the guard, then seemed to recognise the soldier, as his eyes widened in recognition and joy. "Algar."

The elf gave a hesitant nod of confirmation, looking torn between loyalty to his friend or loyalty to the king's hidden lies. Legolas looked a little disappointed, but seemed to shrug it off, staring at Algar with a smile. "I already told you. I request an audience with my father."

Algar looked to the other guard, then quickly back at Legolas. "Legolas, you know the chances of that happening are less than the chances of Sauron coming back. You didn't seriously come here thinking you'd be allowed, did you?"

"I'm here, aren't I?" Legolas said.

Algar sighed. Legolas took a step closer so only Algar would hear his next words, but you were able to just catch it. "My father will want to see me if he thinks I am the killer. Get me an audience, and we can settle this matter quickly."

Algar frowned, then nodded reluctantly. He turned to enter the palace, gesturing for the other guard to remain. He turned back at the last moment, saying, "I hope you know what you're doing, Legolas. Your father's mind has become troubled and tangled." Then he left.

Legolas stared after him, and you stared at the other guard. Clearing your throat, you attempted to engage in conversation. "Um, hi," you said quietly.

The guard looked at you, his movements nervous and stiff. He gave a single nod of acknowledgement.

Sighing, you tried again. "My name's Y/N. What's yours?"

The guard remained silent, staring at the group of you uncertainly. Of course, he'd be no match up against all four of you, and the thought of that must be sending shivers of fear throughout him.

"Hey, we're not gonna hurt you," you said, trying to sound friendly. Well, you hoped not. The others seemed non-threatening, so you tried to put your confidence in your words. "By the way, I think the Woodland Realm is totally one of the coolest places in Middle-Earth. You guys are so lucky to live here."

"...Not as lucky as you'd think," the guard muttered.

"What do you mean?" you asked in surprise. "Surely Mirkwood is the best! At least that's what I figured from the books..."

"Our land is not once what it has been," the guard admitted. Legolas' ears pricked up and he turned his head slightly to listen in to the conversation. The guard, oblivious to other ears listening in, continued his quiet confession. "Our king is not well, we believe. He acts strange, and we do not know what to do about it. Now he accuses his own son of murder! I do not know what to do anymore. If you think you can help our king, I will do anything to help you."

Surprised at his sudden confession and his easily trusting personality, you stared at him. "Is it so bad that you'd tell any passerby to help?" you asked in confusion.

"No, I would never do that," the guard said, quite indignantly. "I know who you all are." He turned to the others, addressing them as well. "Legolas, King Thranduil's son, Aragorn, King of Gondor, and Gimli, son of Gloin, one of the mighty dwarfs to retake the Lonely Mountain. But I do not know you, but I believe I can trust you if you are travelling with these folk."

"Yeah, well, I kinda just dropped in recently," you said sheepishly. "By accident. Anyway, yep, you can totally trust us. We're gonna take back the Woodland Realm and kick Thranduil's butt til he realises what he's doing, then get this kingdom some rebuilding. Like, all the lies Thranduil would have sown into your fellow soldier's heads? They're gonna need some serious therapy, guys."

There was a moment's silence, and you looked around at the others. They were all staring at you, an equal look of surprise written on their faces. "What? Was it something I said?"

"Yes, Lady Y/N," Aragorn said, smiling. "Your words are full of confidence. How can you be so sure of success when you have only been with us for a few days?"

"I've read the books," was all you could think of to say.

You were all interrupted, as Algar had returned, a grim look on his face. "The king will see you all."

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