Chapter 9: Connections

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The bells and fireworks continued unimpeded, not disturbed by the words just uttered. Light floods the faces of those on the roof with the only exception being Tsuyoi himself who has his face covered in shadow. An occasional explosion breaks up the silence as those around Tsuyoi try to process his words.

His eyes travel to each occupant on the roof.

Chojuro has his maw opened and the cigar loosely hanging on between the man's teeth.

Kiruka had her eyes widen, her hair seemed to shine with her surprise.

Kaina studied the boy in front of her. The brat as she called him who could have hurt Newgate in their first encounter. However, his words struck a cord deep inside her. The part that led her down this path of escape.

Keigo's eyes sparkled with the fireworks overhead only adding to the effect. The idea of such a world seemed right to Keigo. In such a world, people would be able to spend more time with their loved ones instead of living in fear or hoping a hero will eventually save them.

The smile Keigo sent his brother's way made Tsuyoi have his own smirk on his otherwise monotone face. Finally, Tsuyoi looked at the man whose very existence was the reason for his new dream.

Newgate took the moment to make eye contact with his son. It's then, Tsuyoi felt the pride and encouragement he has never received throughout his life flood into him through the green eyes that stared into his gray. With the nod from Newgate being the final straw that finally released a smile on Tsuyoi's normally inexpressive face.

Finally turning around to the people below, the group of six stood in silence listening to explosions which destroy the heavens, bells that quake the waves, and the public's cheers that rumbled the earth.

After close to an eternity, the bells stopped ringing and the fireworks seemed to have calmed yet people seemed to still be on the streets. A yawn interrupted their silence. All parties looked at the source only to find Keigo attempting to get comfortable on his Pops' shoulder. Taking that as a cue, Kiruka speaks up.

"It is pretty late in the night, I'm surprised the sport was able to stay awake for so long." She paused before continuing. "But I think it's time I go home myself. It's been very enjoyable with you all." She nods to Newgate who nods back in acknowledgement.

"Noo, stay with uuus." Keigo's speech was slurred as he slowly started to drift to sleep with both women chuckling to themselves. Newgate smiled fondly and rubbed one of his fingers over his son's body, sending him into the land of dreams.

"My daughter has given you the address to the warehouse we are staying in, correct?" Newgate looks over with the ladies silencing their giggles immediately.

"Yes I have it. I hope to meet you in the next couple of days." A massive smile stretches across Newgates face that bends the freckles on his face.

"I thank you again for doing this even when we can't pay you." Kiruka looks away and pushes her hair out of her face.

"Getting to teach that little boy is payment enough. He has a lot of potential and I don't want it to go to waste just because of your circumstances."

Kiruka then talked with Kaina for a bit before sharing goodbyes with everyone who was still awake. Newgate lifted his palm up to her before bringing it to the ground with her in tow. As the darkness covers her, another occupant of the roof speaks up.

"Dumb move giving away your place's location." Chojuro comments with his arms crossed.

"And why would that be?" Kaina quickly jumps in to defend her friend.

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