Chapter 7: Lions and Monkeys

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Tsuyoi Pov

Storms have always put me at ease.

There is just something about the way they ravage the world we live in not caring who lives or dies.

They are the only thing I can rely on.

Yet this power I possess to summon them hurts me. Just like everyone else in my life.

At least, until now.

My gaze shifts to look at the man who calls himself Edward Newgate or as most people around him call him, Pops. I didn't truly know what to think of such a man. Someone with a power that could rival mine with a stature the towers over those around him.

Such a man would be immediately targeted and shunned like I have been. Yet, he doesn't seem to hold any hatred towards them. Doesn't he despise how the world around him suppresses and forces his hand?

Why doesn't he? What does he see I don't?

My eyes linger on the giant man as he sends off his 'children' into Nagoya city to enjoy the New Years festival. I haven't talked with them much, especially with how our first interaction went. I believe they are still wary of me yet the small one does speak with me from time to time.

After saying their farewells, the woman who introduced herself as Lady Nagant, took the young boy who I learned was named Keigo Takami outside the warehouse we are currently staying at. I didn't quite care that the ex-pro hero didn't share her name with me. We are all entitled to our secrets.

Newgate lets out a breath before turning to face me.

"I can tell you want to talk with me. Say what is on your mind son." There he goes again with calling me his son. Even if a small part of me earns to be called such, why does he call those around him his children? Does he really view himself as above everyone?

I've let this question consume my mind long enough. "Why do you see everyone as children?"

That seemed to give the man pause. "Because all those I want to help have all been shunned and wronged by this world. They have no one to turn to in their times of need. They are simply lost children who need someone to turn to. What better than a parent, someone who is meant to never turn their back to a child." Newgate finishes his reasoning and looks intently in my eyes causing my body to shudder. I can't help but feel his power behind his words and eyes that make me feel even smaller compared to him.

"What gives you the right to help? Is it the fact you have a strong quirk which makes you have dominance over people? If that's the case then why are you and I not the ones ruling the weak and telling them what to do?"

Newgate seemed to sigh at my questions. "Can you answer me this? What makes you believe it should be the strong who rule?"

The answer came quickly. It's been one I've had since I was able to think. "My quirk...It gives me the strength that puts me above others. It's the natural order of things. Just as it is with the animals."

Silence. That is what I'm greeted with after my statement. Newgate's face seemed to darken and I couldn't help but tense in preparation to summon the sky to my side.

"'re just like them and you don't even realize it."

"What do you mean?"

"You're just like the society you want to change so much. Quirks are all you are able to see. Not the person underneath."

I sat in silence.

"They suppressed you all your life and you plan to do the very same thing. Are you really changing anything?"

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