Chapter 4: A Path to Freedom

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Izuku was running on autopilot, moving through the darkness with no fear or hesitation. His only concern is to make sure his newly acquired son is safe and secure.

I should have done something to hide that bastard's body after I killed him. Izuku mindlessly thinks as he keeps moving. However something else begins to surface in his mind. Seems there really was more to what happened to Nagant.

His mind supplies him with the flash of dullness in her eyes he recognizes all too well. Izuku makes an effort to make as many twists and turns as he can on the off chance that Lady Nagant follows him.

He didn't hear much from the conversation between Kiego and Nagant but from the small murmurings of, "Pops doesn't hurt me", Izuku can guess where the conversation ended up going.

Talking time to appreciate how fast he's moving, Izuku sends a small prayer to however made him grow so big even if he has to be hunched to not peek over the surrounding buildings.

A couple of turns later he knew that the bridge was getting close due to the sudden silence that enveloped him. The populace doesn't come to this area after all. Izuku exhaled as he continued to move through the more comfortable silence.

That is until Izuku stops as the sound of a bullet rings throughout the alleyway. Kiego murmurs and moves a bit before settling in his arms once again. The silence returns rapidly bringing tension not present beforehand. Izuku protectively moves his hand to cover more of Kiego's body as his eyes see the bullet hole where his next step would have been.

Following the trajectory he sees the familiar dull eyes of Lady Nagant staring back at him on a rooftop three buildings away from him. Still hunched, he waits for Nagant to get closer to have a proper conversation instead of yelling like lunatics and waking up his son by accident.

Lady Nagant notices the invitation and slowly approaches him, pulling at her long hair to load another bullet into the literal hand rifle she possesses and pointing the rifle at him the entire time.

The silence is crushing yet Izuku doesn't seem bothered, if anything, he straightens himself to his full towering height. Nagant who was moving closer stops and simply studies the giant man now only a single building length separating the two.

"I don't suggest you shoot again. My son just cried himself to sleep." The 'because of you' went unsaid but not unheard.

"He isn't your son in the first place." Nagant replied pointedly. Izuk- no, Newgate narrows his eyes.

"He became my son the moment the world abandoned him." The conviction in his voice made Nagant shudder.

"And what gives you the right to decide that?" Nagant quickly counters, leveling her quirk on Newgate's head.

"Are you given the right to decide what you want to do or is it decided for you?" Newgate stares directly into Nagant's purple eyes. He isn't able to keep eye contact though due to Nagant's sudden trembling.

"Shut up"

It comes out quiet.

"Why do you allow yourself to be trapped? You are clearly in pain. I see it in your eyes." At the mention of eyes, Nagant seems to shake more and clenches her teeth.

"Shut up!"

Her voice raises an octave. Her elbow quaking as her emotions she has kept buried for years now keep bubbling to the surface.

First those kids wanting my autograph and now this? I just want it to end!

"Let me help you. Just like I've helped young Kiego-"

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