Chapter 2: Beginning of a Dream

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With a nod in thanks Izuku quickly moved away from the jogger, who after seeing the young man walking up the hill to the street proper continued his jog near the river. However Izuku had thoughts running through his head so fast that those with intelligence quirks would have trouble keeping up. However they all got stopped by one singular question which Izuku deemed the most important of them all.

"What do I do now?"

The question went out into the empty air for no one in particular to hear. Izuku pauses briefly before continuing to walk through the poor neighborhood he found himself in.

All my friends aren't born, all my teachers aren't teachers and still probably students, and the villains aren't even villains yet-

Izuku stops that trail of thought as well. If the villains aren't villains yet does that mean? His breath hitches as he remembers waking up in Tartarus over and over again earning for the moment he can get out and pursue the dream that has taken the place of his previous one. Could he finally follow through with it?

It's then that Izuku remembers what he is. Quirkless. Any elated mood he had immediately vanishes from his face. The face of cold neutrality takes its place before it too melts away to the heat of anger.

Anger at finally having the opportunity to make the lives of many people better yet no power to capitalize on the opportunity.

Dammit, dammit, DAMMIT! Why?! Why must life be so cruel to me! You gave me nothing to my name and when I suddenly start to believe things are looking up for me...

Izuku clenches his teeth and tenses his muscles as he glares at the sky it almost quakes.


Izuku couldn't take it anymore. He turned to a run down looking building intent on punching it. He didn't care if he was going to hurt or even break his hand. He just needed something to put his anger and rage into. Something to put his mind at ease once again.

Tensing his muscles further, Izuku punched towards the wall while putting as much power into it as his quirkless body could, wishing nothing more than to destroy the entire building.

Izuku didn't seem the process the light blue orb around his fist until after it slammed in the wall forming massive white and blue cracks immediately. The air stilled, then shuddered as the world came to a stop with color leaving soon after in terror of the attack with only the sound of reality breaking being heard. The light of the majestic white cracks seeped into Izuku's eyes. The sight was suddenly disrupted by a powerful shock wave emitted from Izuku's fist which pushed him back across the street and into the side of a house. When he looked up, the cracks were gone but so was the entire house he put his frustration into.

Sitting there in utter shock, Izuku didn't move, he didn't breathe, his heart even stopped beating for a second. Eventually, Izuku had his eyes move down to his hand while bringing it up. He couldn't stop his arm from shaking. Izuku only stared as he slowly made a fist with his trembling fingers. Finger nails dug into his palm but Izuku didn't care. He wills himself to close his eyes and attempt to concentrate.

Nothing seemed to happen. No weird feeling. No tingling on his back. Izuku couldn't feel where he summoned that power from. His shaking turned from shock to anger as his frustration mounted yet the light orb quickly surrounding his fist silenced his rising rage.

Izuku stared at it in wonder, replacing his earlier frustration. As he did so, the orb began to shrink with his cooling temper. It's when he finally had this moment of clarity that allowed him to hear the screaming and yelling of people causing his brain to jumpstart again.

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